A Concert Ticket

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Chapter 2

Kat's POV

We sat talking to Cody and Justin. Sure we got interrupted a few times by fans, but that's alright. We were having an actual conversation with them. As we were talking, someone's phone started ringing. I watched as Justin pulled out his phone, answering it.

"Hello? Where are we? We're at a local StarBucks with a few fans why?" He went quiet for a few minutes. "Oh okay. We'll be there soon." He hung up and sighed. He looked at Cody and they nodded.

"Sorry for having to leave so suddenly but, Justin and I have to go do a sound check show." Cody told us.

"Speaking of shows, do you two have tickets for our show?" Justin asked. Amber shook her head no, as did I,

"Why not?" Cody asked.

"They sold out too fast." I translated from sign to the boys. They nodded.

"Maybe we can do something about that..." Justin trailed off. "Can we get your girls' numbers? So we can call you guys to let you know if we were able to get you tickets? Also we still need to make up for being so mean to Amber." I looked at Amber and she looked at me worriedly. (Anything with ' around it is sign language.)

'Amber! It's Cody Simpson and Justin Bieber for cry out loud!' I signed.

'You know how I feel about giving out my number! Besides, I can't even speak to them. What if they call me? I won't be able to speak. Remember?' She signed back smacking my forehead too. I heard the boys laugh.

'I'll just tell them to text you then. Please Amber? For me?' I begged. She sighed. I smiled hugging her.

"Sure you guys can!" I stated. They gave us there phones as did we. They said goodbye before leaving.

Justin's POV

My phone started vibrating and ringing in my pocket. I picked it up.


"Where are you?!" My manager, Scooter Braun practically yelled.

"Where are we? We're at a local StarBucks with a few fans why?"

"You and Cody have a sound check! Remember? You guys just can't go storming out like that! You need to get back here now!"

"Oh okay. We'll be there soon." I said hanging up. I looked at Cody and we both nodded.

"Sorry for having to leave so suddenly but, Justin and I have a sound check show." Cody apologized.

"Speaking of shows. Do you two have tickets to our show?" I asked the girls. They both shook there heads no.

"Why not?"

"They sold out too fast." Kat stated but I think Amber signed it.

"Well maybe we can do something about that...." I thought about it for a minute. "Hey! Can we have your girls numbers? So we can let you know if we can get you tickets?" I asked hopefully. There was two reasons I asked for there numbers. To let them know about the tickets, and something else too. You should find this out sooner or later. I watched as Amber and Kat signed back and forth to each other. Amber smacked Kat's forehead while they were talking. Soon they came to a conclusion and we exchanged numbers before Cody and I said a quick good bye to the girls before walking out of the Starbucks, putting our shades on.

"You think Matt and Scooter will let us get tickets for them?" Cody asked me.

"They should. They won't let us let our fans down would they?" I told him. I saw our limo up ahead and started running with Cody at my heels. We hopped into the limo to see Matt and Scooter looking at us with a scolding look. Maybe we shouldn't of had a nerf gun war in our hotel? Hopefully they'll let us invite the girls. I would hate to disappoint them.

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