Bad Happenings

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Chapter 32

Bad Happenings

Amber's POV

I walked out of my house, nervous. Today was Friday July 6th, the day of my dad's death. Even though the day was 6 years ago, i still remember it as if it was yesterday. I usually don't go out on this day since bad things always happen.

I walked to the car, my arm linked with Cody's. One thing I could say about Cody is that he's a great friend. He's always there for me, no matter how pissy I am.

But so was Riley. I haven't spoken to him in forever. Maybe it's time I talk to him again. After today that is.

"So where do you guys wanna go?" Justin asked, as we stepped into the car. We were sitting in the back, once again.

"McDonalds?" Cody stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"Sounds good!" Justin stated starting the engine and driving off.

We sat in silence except for the song that was on the radio. I hummed quietly to song.

"Hey Amber?" I looked up to see Kat looking at me. I nodded, telling her to go on. "You okay?"

'Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' I signed back weakly. Even I wasn't fooling myself.

"No your not. Let's just go back guys." Kat sighed.

'No! We'll just go get breakfast then we'll go back. Please? I need food!'

"Okay. But if you wanna go back at anytime, just tell us yeah?" I nodded. I leaned back, resting my head on the back of the seat, feeling a headache coming on. I internally groaned, but one person heard me. Cody.

"What's wrong?" He whispered to me.


'If nothing was wrong you wouldn't have groaned. So what's wrong?' He now started signing.

'Just got a small headache. Once I eat something, I'll be fine.'

"Okay....." He said as if he wasn't so sure about my answer.

'Promise.' He nodded motioning for me to lie my head on his shoulder. I decided to accept his offer and I lied my head on his shoulder.

Soon we arrived at McDicks. I got out of the car, tripping on my own feet falling to the ground.

That hurt.

"Amber! Are you okay?" Kat said coming to my side. I just nodded, taking her hand as she helped me up. We walked into the restaurant, the boys going to stand in the line, while we found a seat.

"Amber. Are you sure you don't want to go home? I know it's hard being out on this day."

'I'm sure. Let's just eat, and then we'll go back. Okay? Stop worrying.' She just sighed. The boys then appeared with our breakfast. I nodded a thanks. I looked to see that they haven't given me any syrup. I walked over to the cashier when I accidentally bumped into someone and I felt a burning on my chest and stomach. I could feel the tears coming to my eyes from the pain, I refuse to cry.

"Oh I'm so sorry miss!"

'I'm sorry.' I signed while shaking my head back and forth. I pulled my shirt away from my body, walking back to our table.

"Let me buy you something!" I just shook my head no.

"Amber! What happened!?" Kat asked.

'I accidentally bumped into someone and there coffee got all over me.'

"Here." Cody said pulling off his plaid shirt. He was wearing it over a white tee.

'No it's okay.'

"Just take it little darling. You need it more then I do." I nodded signing,

'Thank you.' He just nodded as i walked to the bathroom, I pulled off my blue t-shirt, and throwing it in the sink. It was a one person bathroom. I slipped on Cody's shirt. It was a little big. I rolled up the sleeves just above my elbows. I buttened it up, leaving the bottom two open. I walked to the sink, washing out my shirt. It was definatly stained. This was one of my favourites too! It was a light/teal blue, with a kitten skateboarding. Guess it's ruined now. I walked out, with my damp t-shirt in hand. I sat down in my chair, beside Cody. 

'Thanks again!' 

"No problem! You don't look to bad either little darling!" He winked. I could feel the heat go to my cheeks. I looked down toward my pancakes, pouring my syrup on.

"Hey! What's with this little darling thing?" Kat asked. "Is something going on between you two?" She asked suspcially.

"What?! No. It's just a nickname i decided to give her. It suits her." He replied.

"Suuuurrre...." Justin dragged out the word.

'He's not lying.' Justin and Kat just nodded as if they didn't believe us. I just shook my head, starting my breakfast.(Which was now cold)

*About 15 Minutes Later*

We walked out of the store, when i saw a Indigo across the street. I smiled brightly, before running across the street.

"Amber wait!" Was the last thing i heard before i felt a pain in my side and everything went black.


Hey lovelys! What happened to Amber?!

Sorry this chapter is a day late, this weekend was thanksgiving weekend, so i had a lot of stuff to do! So i hope you can accept my late chapter!

Wanna play guess the song? All you have to do is guess the song, and the first 2 people to get it right get's a shoutout in the next chapter, and if you have any stories we'll read one and give you some feedback yeah? Okay let's go! (By the way, the song quote will be the song you have to guess!) We'll only be doing it on Mondays and the winners will be announced on Thursday chapters! Just something to get you guys involved a little bit yeah?

Song Quote: " When i'm away, no i can't concentrate. Thinking about you non-stop, on my mind, all day. Said to myself that i feel so lucky." (Hint. It's off Cody Simpson's new album!)

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And i Have a so... 

Dueces! ~Jori

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