So Close To Telling Her

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Chapter 29

Cody's P.O.V

"So how'd you two love birds spend the day?" I ask while stabbing my marshmallow with my stick. Then I hold it up to the campfire.

"We were just watching movies, cuddling." Kat says munching on her marshmallow. I look over to Justin, he was poking multiple marshmallows on his stick, he looks up and notices that I was staring.

"What?" He asks and I just chuckle and do the exact same thing he does.

"How bout you two?" Justin questioned while swinging his right arm over Kat's shoulder.

"We went long boarding." I answered, smiling as the memories are flashing by my head.

"So what do you ladies want to do tomorrow?" I ask while placing a marshmallow in my mouth.

"Umm, sorry to burst your bubble but we have to go back home tomorrow." Kat says. I look at her to see if her was joking or not.

"Your joking right?" I ask squinting my eyes at her. This can't be true! Timing couldn't be any worse! I was just getting close to Amber.

"Sorry Cody, but we have to." Kat says looking down. I turn to look at Amber. She was also confused at Kat's sudden decision.

'Why are we leaving! This trip was just getting good.' Amber signs to Kat.

"See! Amber doesn't want to leave, so you can leave if you want Kat. But Amber is staying?" I stomp my foot on the floor and cross my arms. Kat gives me a death glare.

"Cody, can I speak to you for a sec?" Kat stands up waiting for me. I sigh and get up. I follow her into the bushes. About 4 meters away from Justin and Amber. I open my mouth to say something, but then Kat cuts me off.

"Listen Cody, I called Chris earlier today. He wanted me to bring Amber home." She said.

"But why!? Were having so much fun." I said. I look over to the campfire to see that Justin and Amber are just chilling, there not even looking over at us.

"What happened to Amber this morning, it's gonna happen again on Thursday. Maybe even worse. Chris told me to bring her home." She confessed and I ran my hand over my hair.

"Why on Thursday?" I question and she sighs.

"That's the day her father passed away. It apparently happens ever year." She said.

"Well we can handle her! We did it this morning." I said and she shakes her head.

"We can't... It's the best for Amber... I know she's having fun Cody! This is probably the first time I've seen her this happy! But we have to."she just walked back to the campfire. And I just stand there.

What am I gonna do now! I planned the whole day for tomorrow. It was gonna be perfect! And to top it off, I was gonna confess all my feelings to her... But noooo!

I start pulling on my hair due to my anger! And then I start punching the tree beside me! I've been waiting forever to make my move. And now this!

I don't care! I'm doing it! I'm asking her out.....TODAY!

I walk back over to where everyone is and I sit down beside Amber.

"You guys wanna go for a walk around the beach?" I ask and everyone agrees. We all stand up. Justin and Kat take the lead while holding hands....stupid couple....

I actually shouldn't be saying that, hopefully that'll be me soon.

I put my arm out and Amber links her arm in mine. We walk towards the beach.

There was an awkward silence between me and Amber, then I decide to break it.

" I wanna ask you something Amber." I said and she looks at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Have you even been in love?" I said nervously and she shakes her head.

'Only small crushes, but I never fell in love' she signed and I nodded.

"Well I have, and lemme tell you. It's great!" I said and she smiles.

'Whats so good about it?' She once again signed.... She's so clueless. If only she knew that in in love with her.

"It's great and kinda weird. That one person that slaps a smile on your face every time you hear their name. The one person that could make the worst day ever, the best. The person that you think of all the time. The person that you have crazy and wild daydreams about. All these feelings are amazing, but it's so weird to think that one person does this to me." I literally poured out all my emotions to her, but she's still clueless.

'That sounds amazing, who's that lucky girl?' Amber signs. I take a deep breath.

It's now or never!

I open my mouth to answer her but go interrupted by someone yelling from not to far away.

"OH MY GOD! IT CODY SIMPSON AND JUSTIN BIEBER!" I look over to see at least 20 girls running our way. Justin turns and looks at me with wide eyes.

"RUN!" Justin yells while grabbing on to Kat's hand. And I do the same thing for Amber

The four of us are practically sprinting towards the hotel which is about 2 miles way. I look back and see that the fans are still chasing us, and I think there's more!

Don't get us wrong, me and Justin love our fans. But this much at one time is just too dangerous! Especially since Kat and Justin are dating. Some jealous fans might of even take her down and hurt her.

I turn back around and saw that the hotel is right there. We rush in and lock the front doors. Security come and quickly escort us to our rooms. The girls enter there room and Justin and I enter ours.

I plop myself on the bed and just take in everything that just happened!

"FUUCCCKKK!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I can't believe this just happen! Right when I was about to tell her! I look at Justin's and he's looking at me like I'm a serial killer.

"What the hell!?" Justin asks sitting beside me and smacking the back of my head. I just it or what he just did, because that's honestly the least of my problems!

"I was so close to telling her. But the the fans!" I said and Justin nodded understanding. He pats my back.

"Dude, go now! It's perfect timing! No interruptions. And tell Kat to come here so you two are alone." Justin says and I smile. There still it hope! I stand up.

"Thanks bro! I owe you big time!" I said exiting the room. I walk next door and knock on the door. After like 5 seconds Kat opens the door.

"Hey, Cody. What's up?" She asks tiredly, I don't blame her. We just sprinted for like 20 minutes without stopping.

"I just wanted to talk to Amber alone. You can go to our room. Justin's waiting for you." I said and she looks at me.

"Sorry Cody, but Amber fell asleep." She said.



Hey peeps!

Sorry for the late update! I was sick! :(

Hope you liked the chapter. I actually like this chapter, maybe the best I've written!

Poor Cody.

See y'all on Monday! Bye! Stay cool! 😉

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