Chapter 49

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"Hubby?" "Yes, love?" "Jungkook isn't home yet." Hoseok turned around to look at his husband in question. "What do you mean he isn't home yet? Its already ten. I had already given him a curfew. He should be home now." Yoongi shrugged and sighed. "I tried calling him and Taehyung. None answered." Hoseok sighed and shook his head. "Taehyung has a game tonight. Jungkook was supposed to get off from work at eight." Hoseok walked passed his lover and made his way upstairs. Yoongi quickly followed him into Jungkooks room where he started to panic.

"W-what are you doing?" Yoongi asked as he tried to stop his husband from looking through his son's things. Something tells me that he didn't go to work." He started searching around the youngers room, causing Yoongi to panic even more . "What are you looking for?" He asked quickly, hoping Jungkook had hid his toys somewhere safe. "His computer--what is this?"

Jungkook was not going to make it alive this time. Hoseok found them. And Yoongi, he wanted to crawl in a hole. Hoseok was very protective and aggressive over his family. Naturally, hed be pissed to find this in his sons room. Hoseok pulled out a box that just happened to be unlocked with many condoms and lubricant in them. Some of the wrappers opened and tossed in the box carelessly.

Hoseok gritted his teeth as he tried to stay calm. "Call Jungkook. Now." Yoongi gulped and fumbled to get his phone out. "Hoseok- take it easy please." "You knew?" Hoseok asked as he raised his eyebrows. "Anf you couldn't tell me?" Yoongi looked down in guilt. He knew how mad Hoseok could get and where his limits were. Jungkook on the other side, did not. "I didnt want you to get made, Hobi." "That's bullshit Yoongi. I know when you lie to me. " Yoongi's breath hitched as he got yelled at.

Jungkook gasped as his eyes fluttered closed. "T-Tae." He groaned as he kissed his boyfriend again. He sighed when his phone ringged again. "Wait-Tae I gotta Take this." He answered with a sigh. "Yes mama?""Jung Jungkook. If you don't get home right now, I swear to you I will beat your ass." "P-papa? Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked as he started pulling his pants up. "Yes and it involves you so get home now." Hoseok hung up and gripped the phone tightly in his hands.

"Tae I gotta go. My papa sounds pretty mad." Taehyung groaned and nodded. "Okay. Fine. You better make this up to me. " Jungkook giggled and kissed his lips. "Of course I will." He left the school and dashed back home hopping he wasnt in too much trouble.

"Hoseok please just calm down." Yoongi said as he grabbed his husbands wrist. "How the hell can i do that knowing that my underage son is doint that and you knew!" Yoongi sighed and shook his head. Jungkook really was screwed. "Hobi, we were underage when we did it too," "Yes, but this is my son we're talking about! The only one I've got!"

Jungkook walked in the door, panting as he has just ran to get to his home. "Where the holy hell were you, Jungkook." Hoseok asked sternly as he stood up from his seat. "I was with Tae papa. Whats wrong?" "What's wrong? This! This is wrong!" He threw the box full of condoms at his feet, some falling out. "I-those aren't mine." he lied.

Hoseok chuckled and shook his head in disappointment. "You mean to tell me that this box, which I found under your bed, isn't yours?" "Dad I can explain-" Hoseok pushed the chair over causing it to fall loudly on the floor. "I don't want to hear it! You aren't going to see him again. Give me your phone." "But dad-" "This is not okay Jungkook. You're only 16 damnit! Why are you doing this! You can't do this!" Jungkook looked down in shame as he started tearing up. He had really fucked up this time.

"You're not allowed to see him again. You break up with him the next time you see him. Got it?" Yoongi decided it was time to interfere and stop Hoseok from saying something worse. "Hoseok, you can't make him do that." "Yes I can. Im his father, I can say whatever I want. " Jungkook's breath hitched as Yoongi started defending the boy.

"Hoseok, you can't change what already happened. He wanted it, just let it go!" "Yoongi. Do you understand what he did?" "Yes, Hoseok but just hear him out!" Jungkook felt the tears cloud his eyes once again as he looked at thw box on the floor. He heard his parents fight and fight until Hoseok snapped. "Yoongi Shut up!" Jungkook looked up in shock as Yoongi stopped talking. Jungkook grabbed his mothers wrist for comfort as Hoseok yelled at Jungkook to go upstairs.

He ran up the stairs and let his tears fall as his dogs whined as they laid their heads on his stomach. He stood up and laid on his bed, curled up in a ball as his dogs whined looking at Jungkook. "I regret doing it." He whispred at his dogs as they hung their heads low. He closed his eyes and cried into his pillow. There was a knock on the door as he said "Go away. " he muttered. Yoongi opened the door and walked in the boys room.

"Kook?" Yoongi closed the door and walked over to his bed sitting next to the boy. "Hey." he muttered as he put a hand on the boys shoulder. Jungkook sighed and hugged his pillow. "Hoseok is very overprotective. You know that already. He just doesn't want to accept the fact that you're growing up. And yes, he's right, you're very young but you shouldn't regret it. "

Jungkook lostened as Yoongi continued. "He didn't have a family growing up you know. His sister got kicked out and he lost contact with her. And obviously his mother was no acceptance. You and I are the only things he has now and he's scared. He's scared because you already have a boyfriend and you're doing that with him and you're growing up too quickly. " Jungkook felt guilty.

He really messed up this time.

Hello everyone! I got grounded again :-: but i will try to update more now!!!

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