Chapter 4

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Yoongi had sent Jungkook over to Seokjin's house while they went to talk to the people at the adoption center. Yoongi was nervous about not ever seeing his kid again. "Yoongi. I promise We won't have have to give him up. I'll do everything to make sure we keep him."  Hoseok kissed his head and pulled him to the car. "It'll be okay." They made their way to the adoption center and quickly made their way to inside.

The rest of the evening was full of Hoseok and Yoongi trying to prove their point by telling them that Jungkook was happy. They started telling them about how happy he was every morning and how it shouldn't be wrong to have two dads. Hours and hours of them fighting for Jungkook went on until they decided to take it to court. Yoongi tried to tell them that there was no need but they insisted. They left that day with a court trial in mind. Hoseok called Namjoon and explained everything to him, hoping he would help. He said yes and decided to make it his first priority. Hoseok and Yoongi could not lose this one. Jungkook stayed the night with Taehyung as Yoongi and Hoseok paced around the room.

"Where are we gonna get evidence Hobi! They are gonna take Kookie away from me, Hoseok please don't let them!" Yoongi broke down as Hoseok hugged him. "Hey we do have proof. The documents they gave us never stated that we had to be male and female." He took the documents out and started reading every page out loud to Yoongi. Yoongi's stress went away as he knew they must win this case for sure. They had a perfect background, perfect Jobs, and perfect credits. They must be fine. They are fine because Namjoon is going to help them. And Namjoon is the greatest lawyer there is in Seoul. They were going to be fine.

Hoseok and Yoongi didn't sleep until four in the morning that night. They were making sure the files were in perfect shape and made sure to read them about three times that night. They were going to give them to Namjoon so he could file those as well and make sure that they were perfect. They slept knowing that no one was gong to touch their kid. Hoseok swore that if they did, they would have another lawsuit on their hands. Namjoon was good at his job. He had never lost a case and was the strangest lawyer to make his point in South Korea. They had to win this. They had too.


Telling Jungkook was the hardest thing ever. Yoongi had Hoseok tell him because he couldn't. He was in the room crying as Hoseok slowly talked to Jungkook. "Daddy? Why is mama crying? Can I see him? Is he okay?" Hoseok's heart broke as he heard his husband cry. "Kookie. There's a reason why mama is like that." He looked at Jungkook's small hands and smiled, trying not to cry. "Daddy? What's wrong?"

"Do you remember when mama and I picked you up from the shelter? How happy you were?" Jungkook nodded smiling. "Is it something about me." Hoseok nodded slowly. "Unfortunately baby. I have to tell you because this is something serious. It's so serious that we are going to have to go to court because of this." Hoseok let his teardrops fall to the floor as he pulled Jungkook close. "Daddy what happened?" Jungkook started to get scared. It was something regarding him. It made him sad seeing his parents cry.

"The shelter wants to take you back." Hoseok said as he broke down crying. Jungkook was puzzled as he looked at his father. "W-what? No daddy i don't wanna go! I wanna stay here with you daddy! And mommy! I don't want to go back!" He fell to the floor as he started to cry. Hoseok quickly picked him up and hugged him. "Mama and I are doing everything we can. They won't take you. I promise. You'll stay with us and once this is all over, you'll be ours okay? I promise you. Namjoon will help us okay? " Jungkook sobbed as he thought of his life without his parents.

"No! I don't wanna go back daddy! Please I'm happy here!" Hoseok nodded and kissed his head. "I know baby. I know. Mommy and I are happy with you too. Which is why we are trying to do everything we can for them not to take you away from us." Jungkook sobbed as he thought of Taehyung. "I don't wanna leave..." Hoseok hugged him tightly and started crying again. "I won't let you leave." Jungkook hugged his father as he thought of how happy he was with them.

Memories of him waking up every morning and running to their room flooded his mind. He didn't want to forget those mornings. He wanted to be like that until he was a teenager. He wanted to stay. He liked his new home. He liked being loved. He didn't want to leave.

"Don't worry Kookie. Namjoon will get us through this. I promise you."

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