Chapter 5

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Hoseok started sweating as the day was here. The day where they had to show up to trial and defend their case. Jungkook was nervous and scared as he held his parents' hands. He didn't let go of them for a second as they made their way inside the big building. Namjoon was following them as he made sure he had his files. Once inside the room, Jungkook was taken away by one of the police officers. "W-wait sir where am I going?" He said as he struggled in the officers grip. "Jungkook. Don't worry he's going to ask you some questions. Make sure to not lie. Big boys don't lie. He will bring you back to us in a bit okay?" Hoseok said as he kissed Jungkook's forehead. Jungkook nodded and kissed his parents as he bid them goodbye.

"Your name is Jeon Jungkook, correct?" Jungkook smiled and nodded as he walked with the police officer. "Well it was. My name is Jung Jungkook now! Says on my birth certificate! I have daddy's last name now." He smiled happily as the officer told him to sit on a chair. "Are you happy with them?" "Yes of course! I'm really happy cause they let me sleep in their bed when I have a scary dream! And they let me help them cook, but they don't let me use knifes aide they say there are sharp and dangerous. And they don't let me get close to the stove or the oven because they say I could burn myself. "

"Do they hurt you?" "No. They only tell me if I did something wrong to not do it again. Mama said that it's okay to make mistakes because I will learn from them in the future." The officer nodded and wrote all his words down. "Alright. Tell me about a daily life with your parents." Jungkook smiled and started playing with his suspenders. "Well everyday is different but I usually go to Tae-Tae's house. He's my best friend. And I play with mommy and I help him cook sometimes. And I always get nap time in the middle of the day. And sometimes we go out to eat when daddy gets home. He works all week but Saturday and Sunday cause he spends time with mommy and I on those days. Oh and mommy and daddy tell me a bedtime story every night and they put me in a school so I can learn with Tae-Tae and they are really really nice to me and they give me lots of kisses! I love them a lot."

The officer smiled at his rambling. "So you would say you're happy with them?" Jungkook nodded. "I'm more then happy! They give me cute nicknames!" He nodded and stood up. "That's all I needed to know. I'll take you back." "Okay!" Jungkook hopped off the chair and walked with the officer to the court room where his parents were and Namjoon. Namjoon was talking to the judge as Jungkook waddled his way to his parents. He smiled at them and at Taehyung when he noticed him in the crowd.

"Which is why I think that this case should go to the Jung's. No where in the adoption files did it say that you couldn't be gay and have a child." "Do you have the proof?" Namjoon nodded and walked up to the judge with the papers in hand. "I sure do have proof. On page eleven, it clearly stated at the bottom of the page that you were allowed to have a child regardless of gender, sexuality, and marriage status." Hoseok held Yoongi's hand as he started getting nervous. "It's okay baby." He whispered as Yoongi held Jungkook's hand.

The judge read the papers and nodded. "You are correct, Mr. Namjoon. Can I have Jungkook come up?" Namjoon looked at Jungkook and signaled him to come. Jungkook looked up at his parents and hugged them. He waddled up next to Namjoon and took his hand. "Hello!" He said as he smiled. "Jung Jungkook. Are you happy?" Jungkook nodded and looked back at his parents. "I told the man in the police outfit that I was more than happy! My mommy and daddy take care of me a lot. I love them and I wanna stay with them."

"Do you really?" "Yes! Of course I do! They love me and show their love for me everyday and I love them too. I feel-no- I am happy with them!" The judge nodded and had him sit down again. He looked at his parents and smiled at them. Yoongi smiled back and kissed his head. Namjoon started explaining why it was incorrect to take Jungkook away from them. The judge agreed and decided to hear the other side. Jungkook got furious when he heard the way they expressed themselves about his parents.

He raised his hand and looked at the judge. She looked at him and smiled. "Miss this is rude! Did you hear what they said about my mommy and daddy!" Jungkook stood up leaving Yoongi and Hoseok in shock. "Tae-Tae's parents are both Boys and no one cares! It shouldn't be wrong that my parents are boys! It's love and I think love is more important than whatever this rude man is saying. " Hoseok looked at Yoongi and back at his son as he struggled to sit back down since he was a little short. Yoongi helped him up and held his hand. "That's all I have to say." He crossed his arms and pouted as he leaned into Yoongi's arms.

The judge smiled and closed the case. "This case is rightfully going to the Jung family as their case and proof was much stronger." Hoseok stood up and hugged Namjoon. "Namjoon you have no idea how much I thank you for this. Thank you so much." Namjoon smiled. "It's my job to keep families together. Yoongi hugged Jungkook as they both started crying of happiness. Hoseok hugged his husband and his son as they smiled. "I made you two a promise." Hoseok whispered as he kissed the two.

"Thank you Hoseok..."

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