Chapter 23

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As Taehyung went after Jungkook, the rest of the family stayed to talk with her. "Why must you make my life hell?" She shrugged and looked at he nails. "I'm only helping." "Please leave. Seriously. I didn't want to see you today. Or ever in that case. Get out." "Is that the way you talk to your mother?" He laughed coldly as he shook his head. "You aren't my mother. You stooped being my mother ever since you ruined my family's life." Hoseok shook his head and looked at Yoongi while he grabbed his hand. She smirked and shook her head. "Alright then. I'll go home but I'll be there for your party. Bye~"

Hoseok sighed and looked at his sons half eaten plate. He looked at Yoongi and shook his head. "I'm sorry this had to be ruined like this." Namjoon shook his head and sighed. "It's not your fault. It's okay. "

"Jungkook listen to me!" Jungkook whimpered as he stopped squirming and looked at Taehyung. "What do you want!" Taehyung grabbed his waist and pushed him harshly against the wall. Jungkook gasped and looked at Taehyung. "Stop this Jungkook." Jungkook whimpered as he looked at Taehyung. Tears spilled from his eyes as Taehyung pulled him in for a warm hug. Jungkook cried into his shoulder as he gripped on to his shirt. "Let's take a walk." When Hoseok's mom was on her way out, she had ran into the two boys and started saying harsh things to them. Jungkook believed every word she said including the part where she said hat he didn't belong in the family and he would've been much better being alone.

Taehyung obviously didn't believe any of that and tried to reassure Jungkook that he was perfect and was wanted. They walked hand in hand as Taehyung reminded Jungkook of how much he loved him and he told him countless times that he was everything to him. Jungkook knew doubting himself was only going to make Taehyung more and more worried. Taehyung kissed the boy's temple and hugged him again. "Jungkook?" "Yeah?" "I love you." "I know and I love you too. You already told me that twenty times." "Oh you kept count!" Jungkook laughed and smiled as he rested his head on Taehyung's chest.

Hoseok paid for their meal and looked for his son before looking at his phone.

J.J. Kook
Tae and I walked back home so don't worry about us.

He sighed and told everyone the location of their kids before heading off to homes. Once Hoseok and Yoongi got in the car they stayed their talking for a bit. There was complete silence until Hoseok banged roughly on the steering wheel. "Fuck!" Yoongi flinched as he looked at Hoseok. He knew that he only cussed when he was really mad. "It's all my fault." Hoseok murmured. "It's not your fault Hobi. You know we couldn't avoid this."Yoongi grabbed his hand and looked at his husband. "Hoseok. Look at me." Hoseok looked over at Yoongi and frowned.

"Come on. You can't let this ruin you. Jungkook wouldn't want this day to go to waste you know how important today is for him." Hoseok sighed and nodded. "Yeah. You're right okay." He sighed and relaxed before starting the car. He drove off to his home, hopping his mother wouldn't not show up to their party. He sighed as he drove up to his driveway. He knew the boys were already home since they had left the window blinds open. Yoongi and Hoseok left the car relaxed as they walked into their shared home. Jungkook and Taehyung were watching a move in the living room with a blanket scattered over the two. Jungkook had already drifted into dreamland as Taehyung was combing Jungkook's hair with his fingers.

"Oh hey." Taehyung said as he noticed the parents in the room. "How long ago did he fall asleep?" Yoongi asked as he looked at his sleeping son. "About fifteen minutes ago." Hoseok sighed once more and smiled as he tried his hardest to forget everything his mother had said about his family. "She would do you better sweetie. You deserve better. You deserve someone who can give birth to your kid." He rubbed his temples as he felt a headache coming on. "Think about my offer and get a divorce. You deserve more. It's never too late to get a divorce you know." He made his way to his room and thought about her words. Was it really worth it? Was getting a divorce with Yoongi his only option? Was breaking his family a better option?

All these questions roamed around in his head. They started getting to him. He started thinking about life without his son or husband. All replaced by a woman and a child of his own blood. What If this whole 'family' thing wasn't working out? What if Hoseok wanted better? What if this wasn't his right family? So many thoughts roamed his mind as he collapsed on his bed. Could he actually live without Yoongi? Could he actually live without Jungkook?

Could he be brave enough to get a divorce?

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