Chapter 26

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(Peter on the top cause he's hot fuck me up)


It was about nine at night and the boys were currently fighting about who would pay the bill. "Jungkook I said it was fine. I will pay for it." Jungkook shook his head and looked at Peter while grabbing the bill. "I invited you. I pay." Peter shook his head and took the bill. "Too late. I'm paying. Peter took the bill and placed he money down. "Oh come on!" Jungkook pouted as he waitress took the bill with Peter's money. Jungkook sighed and shook his head. "Well how can I make it up to you?" Peter shook his head and smiled at Jungkook. "Nothing. You don't have to do anything."

Peter smiled at him and took one of his hands as they made their way out of the restaurant. They locked arms as they walked around the city letting the nice air hit their faces. The moon lit their path as many lights did as well. "I honestly don't know anything about South Korea. I'm from London and don't know half of what we ate back there." (I GOT TOO INTO HIS CHARACTER SORRY BUT I LOVE TOM HOLLAND) Jungkook laughed and explained everything to him, giving him a background of the place he had moved too. "I always wondered why your Korean was different." Peter laughed and shook his head. "Well I came here cause my mom had gotten a really good job here."

They told their background stories and made their way back to Jungkook's house. "You could stay over. It's really late and I don't want you to get lost or kidnapped." Peter shrugged and nodded. "Why not." They went inside the home and were greeted with Hoseok and Yoongi making cookies in the kitchen. "Mama! Papa!" Jungkook called out as he followed the delicious scent. "Oh hey. Who's you're friend." "Mom. Dad, this is Peter. He's a new kid from school." Peter shook their hands quickly forgetting Korean costumes as he started getting nervous. Hoseok and Yoongi were confused as to why he was shaking their hands but let it pass.

"I'm sorry I'm not really from here I forgot to bow.." He said as he bowed quickly to the two. "It's alright. Are you going to stay over?" Yoongi asked as he took the tray out of the oven. "Yeah. It's pretty late." Hoseok finished. Peter nodded and smiled as he responded with a short "Yeah. I guess." "You're parents know?" "I can text them they won't mind. Hoseok nodded and looked at the clock before letting out a long sigh. "Well I'm going to sleep. I have to wake up early tomorrow. I can drop you two off if you'd like." Hoseok's said as he washed his hands. "Yeah! That would be great."

Hoseok nodded and kissed Yoongi before kissing his son on the head. "Just be ready by seven okay?" Jungkook nodded and looked at Peter. "Sure. We can make that happen." Hoseok took a warm cookie and made his way tot he bedroom. Yoongi smiled at the two and invited them to cookies before heading to bed as well. "Don't stay up too late. I don't want you two late for school alright?" "Sure thing mama." Jungkook said as he clicked his tongue and pulled Peter upstairs.

Him and Peter had a long session of photos together, half of them being posted and half of them just being saved. Jungkook had finally found his buddy in crime. Crime meaning someone to play against in games and just a best friend in general. He was having the time of his life until Taehyung started texting him.

Tae 👽;
What's your Instagram photos about? Who is that?

He's a friend of mine. Why would you care if you seem to be having a lot of fun with those cheerleaders.

Tae 👽;
Okay you found your friends. I found mine there shouldn't be a problem with it.

Yeah so there shouldn't be a problem with me hanging out with Peter.

Tae 👽;
Yeah. Sure whatever.

Jungkook sighed and turned his phone off not noticing that Peter was watching him the whole time. "What happened?" "Taehyung.Tell me Peter. Have you ever been in a relationship?" Peter nodded and smiled. "Yeah. I'm in one now." Jungkook nodded and sighed. "Is it your first relationship?" Peter shook his head and shrugged. "Well I've tried experimenting with boys and girls. I actually just started dating a guy a year ago. It's like my third relationship." Jungkook nodded and started playing with the dogs paws. "Did you leave him in London?"

Peter nodded and sighed. "Yeah but he vistes every now and then." "Should I break up with Taehyung?" He asked as he looked up at Peter with uneasy eyes. "I'll give you my honest opinion using what I know. I think you should take it slow. I get it, he's hanging out with girls and stuff but they are cheerleading sluts. They probably don't want anything with him other than a quick fuck and he's out. Do you really think he would sleep with them while dating you? I don't think so. I'd just see where things take you and then decide. If it's constantly fighting and hurting you then I think you should cut things off with him."

Jungkook nodded and smiled. "Thanks Pete. I just needed to make sure I was doing the right thing. Also you have a boyfriend?" Peter nodded happily and showed him pictures of his lover. "He's two years older than me though... I haven't actually told my mom about us. I always say he's just a friend. " Jungkook nodded and looked at the male. He was stunning. He actually looked like he could be Jungkook's dad but he didn't question it. He was attractive after all. "What's his name?"


I'm spideypool trash okay.

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