Chapter 44

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"Let me go you little-" Jungkook tried pushing the older away but struggled to do so. He was pinned down on the bed as the older hovered over him. "I've been waiting for this." "No-stop!" Jungkook yelled, hoping someone would hear him. He gasped as he was being pinned down harshly. "Stop! Please!" Jungkook started tearing up and he tried to push him away.

"Taehyung! Stop!" Taehyung laughed as he started tickling Jungkook. "No! Stop!" Jungkook laughed as tears filled his eyes. "T-Tae!" He gasped as Taehyung stopped and started laughing with Jungkook. "I hate you!" Jungkook recovered from laughing and gently hit his shoulder. "So what's this weeks plans?" Jungkook asked as he sat on Taehyung's lap. "Double Date with Wade and Peter." Jungkook nodded and smiled. "Where are we going?" "I actually don't know. He said something about guns." Jungkook shivered and shook his head.

"I am not going if it involves guns." "Probably not real ones. You know how Wade is. He can be really cool and fun but he always thinks about safety. Why would he want us, fifteen year olds, to use real guns." Jungkook shrugged and leaned in to place a soft, soon to be heated, kiss. "Hey Jungkook- Not in my house you don't." Yoongi said as he walked in Jungkook's room. Jungkook got startled as he fell off his lap and on to the floor. "M-mom we weren't gonna-" "Yeah. Sure. Hit me with the lie. Anyway, a package came for you."

Jungkook quickly stood up and blushed as he grabbed the box, thanking Yoongi. "You two need to be more careful. And Taehyung, what did I say about doing it in my house." "Sorry.." he muttered as he blushed intensely. Yoongi left the two blushing boy's as he trotted downstairs. "Well that wasn't embarrassing. But what is this?" Taehyung grinned as Jungkook set it down on his desk and cut it open. "Oh my god this is so cute!" Jungkook squealed as he picked up the black hoodie with his name on the back and his favorite number, 01. "Wait but I didn't order this."

Taehyung hugged him from behind and kissed his shoulder. "Yeah I did." Jungkook set that one down and got the other one in the box. On the back it read "
'Kim Taehyung 10' Jungkook giggled and turned around so he could capture the boy's lips. "I didn't think you liked being so affectionate." Taehyung smirked and pecked his lips. "The more you learn." Jungkook laughed and tried to hoodie on. "Oh it's really cute."

Taehyung smiled and pulled him closer as he showered him with kisses. "Why are you being so affectionate? Did I miss something today?" Taehyung hummed against Jungkook's lips and wrapped his arms around his waist. "No. I just like spoiling you." Jungkook sighed and shook his head. "You remember what I said when we started dating?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and pushed Jungkook on his desk so he was in between the boy's legs. "Yes I do but I don't care." He put his hands on his thighs and leaned in to kiss him softly. "I like showering you with gifts."

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arms around his neck as he pulled him closer by wrapping his legs around his waist. "Jungkook?" "Yeah?" Their lips were so close to each other and jungkook was about to fill the gap when Taehyung gripped on his thighs causing him to gasp. "I want you." Jungkook grinned and leaned in to place a kiss on his nose. "Well we obviously can't do that here. Mama or papa might walk in." Taehyung pouted and sighed.

He laid his head in the crook of Jungkook's neck and started sucking as he started stroking Jungkook's thighs. "Then we'll have to be really quiet." He whispered as he started slowly watching Jungkook as he arched his back. Jungkook grabbed his shoulder and threw his head back as he bit his lip. "T-Taehyung." He gasped as he moved his neck further, giving him more access to the empty spaces. Taehyung then pulled him over to the bed and laid him down as he found a spot in between his legs.

He pushed his hands under his shirt as he started rubbing the boy's nipples. He sucked hard enough for there to be a very noticeable bruise. Jungkook pulled Taehyung back into a heated kiss before quickly pushing him away when a knock was heard on the door. "Y-yeah?" "Boy's come downstairs. Yoongi's mom is here." Hoseok said, not opening the door. "Okay! We'll be down in a bit. " Taehyung chuckled as he looked down at Jungkook's pants. "May want to change out of your jeans." "Taehyung I hate you." Taehyung was also hard but he was wearing sweatpants so it wasn't that noticeable. While Jungkook wasn't looking Taehyung pulled his sweats down and made his way to the younger.

Jungkook quickly threw his pants of and shrieked when Taehyung came up from behind him, pressing his hard on him. "Tae." He muttered as he started grinding his hips on him. "A quickie won't hurt would it?" Taehyung said as he pushed his hands in Jungkook's boxers. Jungkook grabbed his thighs as he arched his back and gasped. Jungkook moaned quietly as he laid the back of his head on his chest. "I'm close" Taehyung groaned as he grinded his hips one last time before coming in his boxers. Jungkook gasped as he came soon after on his and Taehyung's hand. Taehyung tossed his boxers off and kissed Jungkook's neck lightly. "Let's go." "You always get it your way don't you." Jungkook said annoyingly.

They trotted down the stairs hand in hand and greeted Mrs. Min. "Sorry we took a while." Taehyung stated as he hugged Mrs. Min. Jungkook blushed and sat on the separate couch, Taehyung following him and putting a hand on his thigh and pulling him closer. Danny than walked out of the kitchen with a glass of water for Mrs. Min causing Jungkook to tense up. Taehyung sighed irritatingly as he put a firm grip on his Thigh. Danny sat next to Jungkook causing him to subconsciously move closer to Taehyung. He noticed his boyfriends movements and kissed his temple as he rubbed his inner thigh soothingly.

Jungkook laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he listened in to their conversation. He then smiled as Taehyung gripped Jungkook's thigh when he leaned his head down on Jungkook's. "Movie night?" Taehyung said as Yoongi nodded. "Yeah it's been a while since we've had a movie night." Hoseok stood up and made his way to the shelf they ad and looked through the movies. Jungkook stood up and grinned as he pulled Taehyung and pulled him to the kitchen. "You make the popcorn cause i always burn it."

Taehyun laughed and took the bag from his hands and thew it in the microwave. Jungkook sat on the counter and pulled Taehyung closer. He grinned and wrapped his legs around his waist. Taehyung placed his hands on the counter and kissed his cheek. Jungkook sighed and leaned in slowly. He watched as Taehyung closed the space between them and kissed him slowly. Jungkook pulled away, blushing as he let go of Taehyung. "The popcorn."

Taehyung quickly opened he microwave and took the popcorn out as he poured it in the bowl. "Let's go, baby." Jungkook jumped off and followed him into the living room.

"Alright let's watch it."

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