Chapter 22

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Yoongi sighed as he leaned his head on Hoseok's shoulder. "What's wrong?" Hoseok asked as he looked at Yoongi. "Nothing actually. Just wondering why you have been ignoring me for the past week." Hoseok chuckled and kissed Yoongi's head. "I wouldn't use 'ignore' to explain this." Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at the tv. "Well I sure feel like you're ignoring me. What is it?" Hoseok shrugged and looked at Jungkook. "Well I've just been planning our adoption anniversary. " Yoongi nodded and smiled at Jungkook. "Has is already been nine years?" Jungkook nodded proudly as he smiled. "It's been none fantastic years because I have the best parents in the whole entire world!"

The couple smiled and hugged heir son as they decided it was time for the lights to go off and to sleep. Hoseok pulled Yoongi in his room and sighed as he started putting his sweats on. "Do you think she will find out?" Yoongi sighed and hugged Hoseok from behind. "So what if she does?" Hoseok shrugged and laid his hands on Yoongi's. "Well I don't want her to ruin this. Don't you remember how mad she got when she found out Kookie was gay? Taehyung is gonna be there and I don't want her to ruin it." Yoongi nodded, agreeing with his husband. "I guess you're right. Let's hope the word doesn't go out. "

Hoseok turned around and looked at his husband as he leaned in closer, he was about to kiss him when he remembered something he had always been dying to ask. "Where'd you get that scar?" "Hobi. You gave it too me." Yoongi giggled as he pecked his cheeks. "What? When?" "When you thought it was a good idea to take me to a shelter and give me that cat that was hissing." Hoseok's face lit up as he nodded. "Oh yeah! I remember that!" Yoongi smiled and kissed Hoseok again. "Now let's go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day." Hoseok nodded and pulled Yoongi under the covers as they both fell asleep.

Jungkook woke up with a huge smile on his face as he ran to his parents room. "Mama! Papa! Wake up!" He jumped on their bed and hugged them tightly. "Good morning! Wake up!" Jungkook yelled as he kissed his parents. "Good morning Kookie. " Hoseok said groggy. Yoongi smiled and rolled over, not opening his eyes. "Mama! Wake up! It's my day!" Yoongi laughed and opened his eyes as he hugged Jungkook. "It is your day Kookie. Hoseok smiled and pulled the two into a big hug. "Are you excited?" "Of course! It's a big day today! I was brought here today a couple of years ago!" Yoongi smiled and nodded. "Yes it is." Hoseok smiled and kissed the two males. "Shall we go out for breakfast with the Kim family?" Jungkook nodded quickly and kissed his parents as he closed his eyes. Tears filled his eyes as he couldn't stop himself from sobbing gently into the pillow under him.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi asked as the two males looked at their crying son. "T-thank you." Was all he could choke out as he cried. "Thank you for talking me home mama. Thank you papa for actually agreeing to take me home." The two smiled and kissed their son as they cuddled with him for an hour or so before deciding that they should inform the Kim family that they wanted to go for breakfast with them. Jungkook quickly took a shower as he changed into the clothes Taehyung had given him. They were out the door in thirty minute as they made their way to a fancy restaurant. There, they met up with the Kim's and got a seat.

Taehyung and Jungkook kept giggling about all the sinful things they had done just weeks before. The parents were clueless as they thought the two were just laughing about a joke but the case was much different. "You should've seen yourself. Ah do whiny." Taehyung whispered as they waited for their food to arrive. Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's thigh as he talked to him casually. Jungkook blushed and he tried not to stutter. "Come on. Answer me." Taehyung whispered seductively as his hand slowly went higher.

"I-Tae-I" Taehyung smirked as he kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. The food arrived and Jungkook let out a sigh of relief when Taehyung moved his hand. His breath hitched as Taehyung held his hand. Sure, he always did that but he never did while they were eating. He shrugged but off and continued eating. They were in the middle of their breakfast when a recognizable person took a seat next to Jungkook. The boy tensed as he quickly let go of Taehyung's hand. Hoseok sighed as he looked at his mother. "What are you doing here." He said sternly as Taehyung quickly noticed who it was.

"Well I heard my grandson was celebrating his adoption anniversary today soo decided to stop by. How does it feel to be a total and utter disappointment?" Jungkook stopped eating as he looked down. "Miss, why would you say something like that?" Taehyung asked as he grabbed Jungkook's small had. "And who are you?" "His boyfriend." She started laughing as Jungkook gripped his hand tightly. "Oh child. You know this is never going to work out." "I'm sorry but you have no right to say something like that." Seokjin said as he defended Jungkook. "Say what? The truth? I'm just trying to help him? He deserves someone way better. He might turn out like Hoseok and-" Jungkook quickly stood up and walked out of the restaurant with Taehyung following after him.

"Jungkook wait!" Taehyung grabbed his wrist as he was about to open the car door. Jungkook sobbed as Taehyung pulled him close. "Don't believe her Kookie you know that's not true." Jungkook hated crying in front of Taehyung. It made him feel weak and unworthy. He hated feeling sad and lonely as he let water spill from his eyes. He hated being comforted while crying. He hated crying. It made him feel like nothing. Taehyung sighed as he hugged his boyfriend, trying to calm him down. "She's wrong Kookie. I love you so so much and I know is soon but I do. It's something I can't really hide from you and I don't care if half the world hates me for falling in love with you."

Jungkook sniffed and smiled gently as he leaned up to kiss his boyfriend. "Really?"


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