Chapter 48

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"Hey papa?" "Yeah?" "Is mama okay?" Hoseok tended up as he nodded and looked at Yoongi who was sleeping on the couch. "Y-yeah he's fine why would you think he's not?" "Well he's got these red marks on his wrist and he can't really walk." "Oh." Was all he said. He was blushing like crazy as his son asked him those questions. "Papa, did something happen when I was gone?" "No. Nothing happened." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm sure." Jungkook shrugged and left as he left and went to accompany Yoongi on the couch. Hoseok was still red and trying to recover from what Jungkook had said.

He went back to the living room and smiled at Yoongi as he looked down at his lover. "Yoongles, its three pm. Why are you sleepy?" "Tell me what time we went to sleep last night." Yoongi said sarcastically. Hoseok blushed again and picked Yoongi's head up and sat down letting the boy's head fall on his lap. Jungkook moved over to sit set to his father as his dogs came rushing in from outside. Jungkook laid his head on his fathers shoulder as he cuddled with his dogs.

"How was your date?" Hoseok asked as he sipped his coffee. "It was great. He took me to the park and gave me Macdonald's and we went back to his place and just talked." Hoseok raised an eyebrow as he sipped his coffee. "No illegal sexual stuff going on right?" "N-no." "You stuttered." "Did I? I don't think I did." Hoseok hummed in annoyance as he put his mug on the table in front of him. He wrapped his arms around his son and kissed his face. "P-papa!" "Jungkook! Stop growing up! I want you to stay young and innocent." He muttered as he kissed his cheeks. "If I find out you're sleeping with Taehyung, I will beat both of your asses."

Jungkook blushed and shook his head. "I would never." He said as he smiled. "You better not. Also, who gave you permission to date?" Jungkook tenses up as he shrugged. "Well I just thought-" "You thought wrong." Hoseok said sarcastically as he pulled away and put an arm around his shoulder. "Papa! I'm old enough to!" "Yeah you are. I guess. But no sex. And no more then a peck. I still deserve kisses and ever since you started dating, I haven't even gotten one."

Jungkook gasped dramatically as he looked down at Yoongi who was looking up at the two. "Mama did you hear that! Papa just lied to me." Hoseok pouted and shook his head. "I did not! I'm telling the truth." Jungkook playfully filed his eyes and kissed Hoseok's cheek in return. "I still love you papa." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Yoongi's cheek as well. "I love you too mama. Oh and I got a job." Yoongi sat up but regretted it after when the pain in his lower back kicked in. "What!" Hoseok exclaimed as he looked at his son. "A job in what!" "A doggy daycare." He said proudly. "But you're still young." "Yeah but this daycare is for any age above 14."

Jungkook smiled and stood up. "I'll take my doggos cause they are well trained and since I'll be alone in the store half of the time, they could help me around. And I should be on my way now. Bye bye." He quickly dashed out the door with the pups following. Jungkook put the leashed on his dogs and started walking to the store. Once he got there the employe that was working before him told him where he could put the leashes and gave Jungkook the name tags for the dogs. Although they had names on their collar, these were a bit easier to read then to bend down and find the name.

The dogs roamed the place freely and started sniffing everywhere, making sure it was clean. When they found something that was not clean they would jump on it until Jungkook went over to clean it. He leaned how to make appointments and all the things he had to know and he caught on pretty quickly. "Hello! welcome to your neighborhood pet shop and veterinary!" Jungkook said as he watched a boy walk in the store with a puppy. "Hi. I'm Evan and I had an appointment at five today for my puppy. " Jungkook nodded and wrote all the information down and signaled his dogs to come over. "Please put you pup on the floor and my dogs will take him to the back."

Evan looked confused but did it anyway. The three dogs carried him to the back or the store where a voice yelled "I've got him!" Jungkook smiled at the customer and told him that they'd give him a call back as to when his dog was gonna be ready. He left the store and Jungkook sat on his stool as his dogs came back out and sat next to him. Another costumer walked in. "Hello welcome to your neighborhood pet shop and veterinary!" Jungkook said as he looked at the female who walked in the store. "Hello. I'm here to pick up my cat. Whiskers."

He smiled at her and wrote the information on to the computer. "Okay. She'll be out in a minute. She's gonna be a bit dizzy and nauseous, if she does throw up, bring her back. Make sure she drinks lots of water. And no food for tonight." He told her as he read the notes that were in the computer screen. "Oh and it seems that your cat is pregnant." He said surprised as he almost missed that part. "They will bring back some medicine for that too." She sighed and nodded. "When the kittens give birth, will I have to bring them here?" Jungkook nodded and handed her the cat. "It would be safer to do that. Just to make sure her kittens are alright."

She nodded and took the cat from him and the medicine. "Sure thing. I will do that. But may I ask who you are? I've never seen you around here." "Oh I just started working. My name is Jungkook." He said as he smiled. She smiled back and extended a hand. "Rose." She smiled and walked away. "I'll see you later then." She left and Jungkook was back at sitting at his stool. His dogs looked at him and growled at him.

"What? Im making new friends."

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