Chapter 36

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Alright! Here are your answers!


-So how's life

Well you know it's been well I guess. I'm glad I have a family and you know. I'm pretty happy thanks for asking.

-Do you know how much I love you

Well no I don't think we've met before. We should meet up sometime!

-I know you caught Tae cheating but would you please hear him out.

I tried, I really did but I'm kinda scared. I don't wanna hear his version of he story so I just want to let it go and forget about it.

-You should be protected

Oh, how? Should I get a bodyguard? I've always wanted one so I could look cool like the people in the movies. Unless you're Ceil Phantomhive.. then you don't look cool but spoiled. But I want one. Get me one

-What do you feel about Taehyung

I love Taehyung. I know It's too early to "love" but I think him and I can go places with our relationship. I really like him.

-Favorite memory with parents?

Every time I'm with my parents, I count it as a memory. If I had to choose one, I'd probably chose the one where we all went to a water park. It was really fun cause papa and I was trying to get mama to come in with us so when he didn't, papa had to carry him into the pool. Of course, I have a lot of other good memories it then I'd have to stay here for years telling you about them.

-Do you know how to sing?

Well not professionally. I only sing in the shower or with Tae.


-If you could only do one thing for the rest of your life what would you do?

Hmm, that's really hard. I'm not sure. I think I would probably stay with Taehyung forever.


-Why did feel the need to kiss Tae when you were kids

Well, heh, about that... We were kids! I kinda wanted to try it too. I had always seen=n Mama and Papa do it so I wanted to try it and I don't regret it. I liked it.


-Do you think you and Tae have a future together or is it the end of your relationship? Also that Danny guy is creeping me out.

I think we have a shot. I hope so. Danny seems... weird but I don't think it's anything serious.



-Listen . You're going to Jungkook and apologize

Don't worry, It's all good now.


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