Chapter 29

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"I told you you'd have fun." Peter said as he rubbed Jungkook's back. Jungkook was practically buzzing as he looked at his Iron Man helmet that the one and only Robert Downy Jr gave him. He had sighed the top of it as well. He smiled widely and took his seat, front row, waiting for the cast to go on stage. He was a smiling mess. He was about to see his superhero favorites! He looked over at Peter and Wade who were being all cute together, Wade's arm around Peter shoulder as Peter leaned over to him showing him the pictures he had taken on his camera. He smiled at them and looked back at his phone. He and Hoseok had come to an agreement in where they would have a family vacation with all of them going and seeing Yoongi's family.

Yoongi had just texted him and told him that he was able to get everything they needed but they would have to take the dogs. Jungkook didn't actually care, he just wanted to meet his grandparents. He quickly put his phone away once he saw the cast walk in the door and find their seats.

Wade looked over at Peter and leaned over to place a small kiss on his cheek as they started walking out of he convention. "So where too?" Wade asked as he called an uber. Peter shrugged and looked at Jungkook. "Where should we go?" He smiled and apologized as he looked at the bus that was coming his way. "Sorry I can't go. Mama wants me to be home early. You two go, I'll take the bus back home." "Are you sure? We could ask the uber to take you home." "No, no. It's okay. Thank you so much for inviting me. This was an incredible experience."

"Anytime kiddo." Wade said as he ruffled Jungkook's hair. Jungkook quickly smiled at them and jogged over to the bus, showing him the back of his phone that had his ticket inside the case. He made his way to he middle of the bus and waved goodbye at he two males. He smiled as he looked at his helmet. He put his headphones in and hummed along to the song he was listening too. He actually felt happy.

He had forgotten about Taehyung and tried to move on but knew it would take him a bit of time. But he felt happy. He got to go out and the best thing in the world had just happened to him. He was still buzzing even though it was all over.

Weeks passed and it was finally day to go to Daegu and Jungkook was excited to go. He had his dogs on their leash and made sure their cage had what they needed inside to be comfortable on the car. He took the cages and put them in the car before taking his dogs out for a quick run, making them ready for the car ride. The car ride wasn't too long, only an hour and fifteen minutes, but he didn't want his dogs to be stressed.  Once he got back the dogs went in the backseat, finding a place on the seats.

Hoseok and Yoongi got in the car and looked at Jungkook as he smiled back at them. "Alright. Everyone in the car?" "Jungkook?" "Right here. " "Mark?" Bark "Hope?" Bark "Jackson?" Another bark. Jungkook smiled at his dogs and rubbed their fur as they left the house. Finally he was gonna see someone who was wroth it.

They had made it to Daegu safely and were proceeding to leave the car and made their way to the hotel. They left their bags there and Jungkook took the dogs out to explore a bit and to relive themselves. Jungkook looked around and sighed as the scenery got the best of him. He closed his eyes and smiled as the air hit his face. He quickly went back to their hotel room when Yoongi called him. "Yes?" "Lets go." Jungkook nodded and pulled the dogs in the car ready for his car ride to his grandparents house.

Once they had gotten to Yoongi's parents house, Jungkook got so nervous for an odd reason. He started stuttering and getting sweaty as he entered the house. "Oh Yoongi!" Yoongi's mom shouted as she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Hoseok! Oh it's so nice to see you!" She said after she hugged Yoongi. "Oh my goodness! Jungkook!" She squealed and hugged him tightly. "You've grown so much. Last one I saw you, you were ply six! You grew up so quickly oh goodness." Jungkook smiled at her and hugged her as the dogs accidentally got out of his grip. "Oh no!" Jungkook exclaimed as he tried to grab the dogs who started running around the house. "Mark!" Jungkook yelled as he chased the dog around the house. "Hope! No don't do that!"

Jungkook was about to grab the dogs when a loud whistle was being heard from the kitchen. The dogs quickly stopped and sat down as Jungkook looked up at the boy who had blown the whistle. "Oh Jungkook this is my helper,  Danny." Jungkook studied the boy and smiled at him thanking him for being able to control his dogs. He was very attractive with blue stunning eyes and a beautiful shade of brown hair. He had very soft features and seemed like the perfect guy.

Quickly, him and Danny became friends.

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