Chapter 3

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It was three in the morning and Yoongi found himself running to his sons room with Hoseok quickly trailing behind. He quickly opened the door of his sons room and found him on the floor crying. "Jungkook!" He yelled as he swooped the boy up. Yoongi hugged him and started patting his back. Jungkook was holding his alien plushy as he started sobbing into Yoongi's chest. "Baby what's wrong?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi and back as his son as his heart rate started going down. "I- I had a bad dream!" Hoseok sighed and pulled Jungkook out of Yoongi's hold. He grabbed Yoongi's hand and pulled him to their shared bedroom. "You wanna sleep with mama and papa tonight?"

Jungkook sniffed and nodded hugging his Alien plushy tightly. Hoseok closed he door and pulled the two boys on he bed, pulling the covers over their heads. "Kookie?" "Mh?" He wiped his tears and held his mothers hand. "You know why monsters can't get you?" He nodded and showed Hoseok the alien plushy. "B-because Tae-Tae said that he will protect me cause he gave me this!" Hoseok and Yoongi laughed as they nodded. "That and because mommy and daddy are here to protect you. And we won't ever let anyone hurt you. And neither will Tae-Tae." Yoongi smiled and kissed Jungkook's head.

"Taehyung told you hat his alien plushy was gonna keep the monsters away?" Jungkook nodded and smiled. "Yeah! He even said that when we were older we'd be happy and get married like you guys! And Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung!" Yoongi looked at Hoseok with a small smile on his face. "You will be happy but first, we have to sleep cause tomorrow is a big day." They all nodded and quickly drifted to sleep.


Hoseok was running around the house looking for everything he needed to take to go to work. He was currently an hour late and his father was going to kill him. Yoongi and Jungkook watched him as he started panicking about where his suitcase was. Yoongi lifted it up and smiled when Hoseok ran to it. "Thank you sweetie. I'll be back home by seven okay?" Yoongi nodded and started helping him with his tie while he finished tucking in his shirt and fixing any last unbuttoned buttons that needed to be buttoned. Yoongi fixed his tie and gave him a long kiss. "Be careful okay. Patience," "is the key to success." Hoseok finished. Yoongi nodded and smiled. Jungkook jumped on the couch to give his father a quick kiss. "Bye! I love you both!" They waved him goodbye and sighed when they collapsed on the couch. "Do you wanna go to the mall and see what clothes we can buy you? You're growing out of these ones."

Jungkook nodded ran to his room to change. He looked outside and noticed that Hoseok took the car so he decided to ask Seokjin if he was willing to go with him. "Hey hyung!" "Hello Yoongi." "I was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with me and Jungkook?" "Yes of course. I'll be at your house in five."


They had arrived at the mall and they took their kids out to the first store they saw. "N-no wait!" Jungkook started to whine as he got out of Yoongi's grip and held Taehyung's hand. "Okay now." Yoongi laughed and held Jungkook's other hand. Jin looked at him and smiled as he grabbed Taehyung's other hand. They went to a store and started looking at clothes for Jungkook. Taehyung pulled Jin over smtp a section where there were shorts and simple button up shirts.

"Look mother! These would look so cute on Jungkookie!" Seokjin smiled and nodded as he showed Yoongi the look. "They would indeed." Yoongi decided to buy them as well as a pair of blue shorts with suspenders.

Hours passed and the males decided to head back home. Seokjin dropped Yoongi off and then he went back to his own place. Yoongi noticed that he had gotten a letter from the adoption center that was on the table already opened. Hoseok emerged from the kitchen, his eyes red and puffy. "Hoseok? What's wrong? Jungkook go to your room." Jungkook nodded and ran upstairs while Yoongi looked at his husband.

"Baby, what is it?" Hoseok broke down in tears as Yoongi hugged him. "Hey want to take him away," he sniffed as he laid his head on his shoulder. "What? Who. Hoseok you're making no sense." Hoseok pulled Yoongi to the backyard so Jungkook wouldn't hear. "Yoongi, the adoption center debt is a letter saying they want to take Jungkook back. The lady who gave us Jungkook accepted that we were both males but the rest of the company didn't. They want to take him back. I tried calling but they won't listen to me. They asked to make an appointment so we can go scheduled tomorrow. They can't take him away.." Yoongi started getting tears as he shook his head.

"You're joking right? That's not true?" Hoseok shook his head and hugged Yoongi. "H-he's mine.. I don't understand why. No they can't take him away." Hoseok cried along with Yoongi. "I promise you they won't. I'll do whatever I can to get Namjoon on the case. They won't take him away." Namjoon was a lawyer and of course he would help them and defend the case. It was wrong to take Jungkook away from them. They had a perfect background and they didn't deserve this. Just because they were two males? Hoseok rubbed Yoongi's back as he made his way back inside, kissing his tears away.

"They won't take him away I promise. "

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