Chapter 42

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"Jungkook?" Yoongi called as he was in Jungkook's room. "Yeah?" Jungkook called from downstairs. Yoongi was in the process of looking for a dollar or two in Jungkook's rooms and found something different and unexpected. "Come here." Jungkook ran upstairs and looked in his room to see Yoongi sitting in his bed with something in his hand. "What is is mama?"

"What's this?" Yoongi held up a gold wrapper with the words "Magnum Ultra Thin, Lubricated" on the front. "Where did you find that? Mom it's not mine I swear." "Well it's not mine either. I use the red ones. You know, the ones with no lube." Jungkook froze in his spot ad he blushed intensely. "If it's not mine, must be yours. Which would also explain the limping. And the foundation I found under your bed as well." He was caught.

"Oh and the tail in your bathroom." Jungkook was so dead. Yup. That was the end of his life. There it all goes out the window. "Please don't tell papa." Was all that came out of his mouth as he looked down at the floor. "You never answered my question." Jungkook groaned and scrunched his face up. "It's Taehyung's mama..." Yoongi sighed and looked at his son. "Jungkook you're too young for this. And underage. Why did you?" Jungkook sighed and looked down. "I don't know. I wanted to experiment it." He muttered.

"Oh Jungkook. You couldn't have waited? You're still so young." Jungkook sighed and started playing with his fingers. "I'm sorry mama." "Hey, I'm not telling you this so you can regret it. Just don't do it I'm my house. Do it in his or something." Yoongi smiled and patted Jungkook's back. "I won't tell Hoseok okay?" Jungkook smiled back and hugged him. "Thank you ma."

"Oh and next time, find a better hiding spot for all your toys." Yoongi closed the door causing Jungkook to fall in his bed and yell into his pillow. That was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to him. Oh god.

Taehyung knocked on the door as he clutched his bag. Yoongi swing the door open and smiled at Taehyung as he let him walk in. "Hey Taehyung. How are you?" "I'm very good thank you. How's your hip?" "Healing. Sit. Jungkook's taking a bath so it gives us enough time to talk. And don't worry. Hoseok is working so he won't have to know." Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he tilted his head. "Not know about what?" "About you sleeping with Jungkook." Taehyung gulped and tried to look anywhere but Yoongi. "Y-yeah. About that-" "Listen, Kid. I'm fine with you doing that. And I'm glad your wearing protection too. But next time please don't do it in my house. Do it in yours or go to a hotel or something." Taehyung was red as he listened to Yoongi.

"Y-yeah. Of course." Yoongi chucked and patted his back. "I actually thought you were innocent. Those toys say otherwise." Taehyung's eyes widened as he watched Yoongi walk into his room. He quickly dashed upstairs and slammed the bathroom door open, startling Jungkook. "Jesus, Tae are you trying to kill me." Taehyung made his way to the side of the tub as he sat on the floor. "Your mom knows." Jungkook groaned and sighed. "Yeah. I know." Taehyung looked at the naked boy and studied him. "How does he know?" "He found the condom wrapper." Taehyung cursed as he blushed. "And the toys." Taehyung was about to explode. He was embarrassed all right. Too embarrassed.

"Oh my god."

"Hello?" "They're fighting again." It was now two in the morning and Jungkook was listening to his parents fight downstairs. Tears rolled down his face as he dialed Taehyung. He hated when they fought. Who knows what they were fighting about but they were. "Open your window. I'll be there in three." Jungkook hung up and sighed as he stood up to open the window. The dogs were sleeping in the closet all bundled up as it was pretty chilly outside and they were cold.

He sat by the window and tried to not hear his parents but the yelling continued. Soon enough, Taehyung climbed up on to Jungkook's window and picked the boy up from the floor. He laid him on the bed and took his jacket off revealing his toned body. He set his bag down and laid down next to his boyfriend as he kissed his tears away. "Sorry I woke you up." Taehyung shook his head and smiled. "I'm always awake for you."

Jungkook snuggled into Taehyung's shoulder and hugged him tightly. Taehyung pecked his neck before closing his eyes. The commotion downstairs made it hard to sleep but if Jungkook could sleep, Taehyung could too. "Does your dad know? About the condom?" Jungkook shook his head. "Mama said she wouldn't tell him. I'm scared that it might slip out." Taehyung rubbed the boy's waist. "You okay? Take your pill?" "Yeah I took my pill."

Taehyung sighed and leaned back to get a better look of Jungkook's face. "You know I love you right?" Jungkook smiled sweetly and nodded. "Yeah I know. I love you too Tae." Jungkook's phone buzzed harshly against the nightstand causing Jungkook to groan. It was Peter.

"Pete. It's two am and you're calling me." "Yes! I am! Because you're my best friend and you deserve to be called for this amazing news! Plus you answered." "What is it?" "Wade got me a house!" "He got you what?" "A house idiot! It's really big and nice and it has a pool too!" "Yeah Pete, how did he get the house?" "Not really sure but that's not important. Come over tomorrow and bring Tae with you." "Yeah okay. But what's your mom gonna say?" "I'm not really sure. But be a good friend and do as I ask. " "Yeah yeah. Okay." Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was just as surprised as he was and hung up.

"When will you buy me a house."

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