CH 30: Our Important Mission

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I woke up from my alarm I set last night. It's currently 5:00 am. I set the alarm early to prepare for later. I have to prepare personal things to bring with me to the underworld, I have to say goodbye to mom, and I also have to write a letter to Namjoon giving a clue on what I'm up to for the next 3 months.

Father told me that if it's 3 months in the overworld, it's 3 years in the underworld. That's enough time to train.

I get out of my bed and immediately go to the washroom to do my morning routine. I leave the washroom with a towel wrapped around me. I walk to my closet to find myself comfortable clothes for today. I first put on my panties and my black sports bra, then I dig through the closet for clothes. I found nice black skinny ripped jeans, then I found a nice black tank top with a nice black leather jacket. I wear my clothes and go up to my mirror and do my heavy black make up and curl my hair. After I fix myself, I get my curler, make up, hygiene needs, phone charger, laptop, etc. Important needs in general and put them in my largest black backpack. I put my backpack on my bed first and grab my huge luggage specifically for weapons. I bring my luggage to my hatch and check out all my personal weapons I earned for myself. I take my sniper, my machine gun, my shotgun, 3 of my pistols and handguns, additionals for my weapons and finally bullets for all my weapons. I'll only bring a few, I can simply ask father to make some. Powerful ones too.

Y/N: That's it!

I said as I carefully place all of my guns in my luggage neatly and zip it closed.

I already have daggers with me in my jacket so no need to bring more. I take my luggage and back pack and go downstairs carrying both of them. I go downstairs and placed my backpack on the couch and luggage beside it on the floor. I go up to Suga's room and open the door slightly to see him sleeping comfortably, I notice that he already has new furniture and new walls. It looks really nice though. I close the door slowly and look back to the living room. I can see that his boxes and luggage are still there. I took my keys to my house and left to see mom..

I close the door and walked to mom's house.

I reach her house, it's only 5:46 am.. I have time till I have to leave.

I ring her doorbell, and some time later, the door was opened by mom.

Mom: Y/N! What are you doing here today?

She said as she went up to me and hugged me.

She let go and looked at me.

Y/N: Hi mom! I have to talk to you..

She looked at me curiously.

Mom: Sure! Come in!

She said as she moved aside to let me enter. I enter the house and it was very modern and nice. She has good taste. She closed the door behind me and went in front of me. She showed me the couch and I sat. She sat beside me and looked at me.

Mom: What did you want to talk about?

Y/N: I'm telling you what is happening in my life right now and what I will be doing for the next 3 months.

Mom: Oh! I see! Please tell me darling.

She said as she held my hand.

Y/N: So, since I was alone, I was found by some... Mafia members and they decided that at the age of 6 I would join their group since I had no where to go.. I soon manifested and got my powers as a half breed and I have an important mission today with the group.

Mom was silent.. But she understood the situation...

Y/N: But, during the mission, the portal to the underworld will open and I will go to meet father.

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