twenty four

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"sit." i demanded to jc, pointing on the couch and taking the girls with us.

"do you want me to tell you everything or?"

i nodded.

"so basically jc was dancing with dom and his friends and my friend, Lexi went up to them, leading dom on. Jc eventually went over there too and her and Jc separated from the-"

"that didn't happen!" he shouted, standing back up.

"jc i swear. sit down." i spat, he sat back down and controlled himself.

the girl sighed, getting annoyed with jc interrupting her,

"they separated from them and i saw them walk outside towards the pool, jc pushed her in and lexi removed her wet clothes leaving her in a bra and underwear, she was also drunk."

"none of this happened rosie!" jc shouted again, moving towards me.

i huffed, stomping into the kitchen and grabbing duck tape from the drawer.
"sit your ass down." i said.

"no." he said, confidently.

"oh really?" i raised an eyebrow, tapping my finger nails against the table.

he rolled his eyes, sat down and allowed me to duck tape his legs and arms to the couch, placing the duck tape on the coffee table.

"what about his constant shouting?" the girl complained.

i smiled sarcastically, placing duck tape over his mouth as he hummed trying to speak through it.


"and my other friend, went over with them because she was worried about her doing something she'd regret, i'm not saying her name."

i nodded, understanding.

"her and jc talked for a moment before they came back inside, went upstairs and you know what happened from there."

right now i didn't feel like crying, i felt like kicking jc's head off his neck like a football.
yes, i still love him and i know i can't believe everything i hear, but i've been heartbroken many times before. sometimes when you think you can trust someone, they backstab you even if you'd never expect it.

but i don't think justin would do that to me. jc seems too pure, to loveable and trust worthy & jc is loved by many, many more than you could imagine.

he's really got his life ahead of him, and i know girls find that super attractive.
so how do i know these girls aren't making up lies? after all, i've known jc since preschool, and also he's had my back through it all, so how can i believe them?

"please leave." i asked nicely, they grabbed their things and left.

jc walked up to me, sliding himself onto the counter.
"Rose." he said lightly.

i stares at him, waiting for him to continue.

"i promise i didn't do that. i wouldn't do that to you, ever. it's all lies, biting my tongue through that was so hard. please believe me. i know it's hard but you have to trust me, rose, please."
he grabbed onto my hands, pulling them with each expression he made.

"jc, i understand. i believe you."

he placed a quick kiss on the top of my forehead.
"promise?" he said, kicking his legs around.

i nodded. "i promise." i slightly smiled and he hopped off the table, hugging me tightly.

"dishes need done. i'll do them, go sit down and relax, i'll be done soon and then we can film, okay?"

"alright jc." i let go of his hands and walked to the livingroom and turned nextflix on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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