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So I know I've been updating A LOT lately, I hope that's not a problem but one of my readers keep asking for updates, and I ask them for updates too so yeah. Hopefully that's not an issue, this is just how I write. Xoxo.

Rosie's pov:

I drove to Jordan's house, not to get back with him, not to piss Jc off, just because he hooks me up with things when I want them.

I wanted alcohol. I know I'm underage, I'm aware. But I only drink a little bit, to make me forget about the bad things. I know being a social media star, you should probably keep a positive imagine but sometimes it's hard. I'm human, just like everyone else.

I knock on the door. "Charolette! Hey come in!" He said, he seemed just fine, not high, not drunk, I'm confused.

He's what made me try my first drink, smoke my first blunt, do all of that stuff for the first time. He was always a druggy, a bad influence, so why does e seem so responsible right now?

I walked into a properly cleaned apartment. "Nice place." I smiled, looking around, kind of nervous.

"Thank you, I've fixed it up a bit, not to be rude but why are you here?"

"I'm in a bad state of mind."

"Oh, do you miss me?" I bit down on my tongue. If I say no, he might not give me what I need, if I say yes, it'll make Jc never look at me ever again.

"N-no," I studdered. "No I don't miss you really, I just want to be friends, and I was hoping you'd give me some alcohol."

He smiled. "I'm not into that stuff anymore."

"Um, what?"

"I've cleaned up my act. Alcohol will make you look older, grosser, I have a modeling job. I don't need that."

"You don't have anything anymore?"

"Nothing like that, no, but I can go buy some." Jordan just turned twenty two.

I shook my head no. "No, I don't need it." I said.

"May I ask what made you think you needed it? Maybe I could make you feel better, huh baby?" He smirked, pulling on my shirt.

"No, I'm fine. I have to go." I smiled, hoping he'd leave me alone. I walked away, but he stopped me.

"Baby girl, don't leave me again. I promise I'll be good for you."

"Jordan there's someone else that I'm in love with now. I don't have anything for you at all, really I just wanted something to drink."

"But I'm a model now, I'm making money, and you're sexy as hell, a beautiful human. I need you back." He said, trailing his fingers down my arm and to my hand.

"I- I'm not into you. Leave me alone now." He grappled tightly onto my wrist so that I couldn't pull them away, and fear was growing around the inside of my body. I tried not to shake, he did need to know how terrified he could make me.

His mint breath brushed against my face, the warm air making me uncomfortable.

"Jordan, please just let me go."

"As humans we see beautiful flowers, and we pick them and kill them for that purpose, we kill them before anyone else can have them, don't we?"


"I'm not saying I want to kill you rose, that's not at all what I'm saying, but I want you. I want to do things to you that no one else can." He but his lip, pulling on my shirt once again.

"Let go." I demanded.

"Or what? If I don't what happens?"

I tried pulling my wrist back out again, it didn't work, him knowing this made him smirk.

"I know that on the inside you are sexually frustrated by me."

I shook my head no. "You do not arouse me, not one bit." I said truthfully, he use to. Not anymore.

He let go of one of my wrists, gripping the other one tighter so he knew I wouldn't get away. His hand traveled up my shirt, cupping my boob.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered into my ear. I could feel the tears dropped down my face.

He was focused on kissing my neck, I realized the hand he was not holding could reach into my pocket, to answer Jc's constant calls. I checked my latest message.

From: Baby🖤💍
I'm turning my phone off.

I called Kian but he didn't pick up.
Jordan looked back up at me, taking my phone away from me.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing." I mumbled.

"That's what I thought." He smiled, and pressed his lips against mine.

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