Twenty three

10 0 2

I woke up to footsteps around my room, I looked at the time on my alarm clock, which read four am.

"Jc." I whispered, turning to face his dark figure.

"Hey." He breathed, removing his pants and shirt, running his fingers through his hair.
As he moved closer the smell of alcohol brushed against me.

"Jc you smell like beer." I sighed, making room in the bed for him.

"So-orry" he hiccuped, placing his hands around mine.

"It's fine. Just go to sleep." He placed his lips against my cheek, then turning back the other way to sleep.

The next morning

Jc was already awake, he wasn't in bed.
"Babe." I called as I walked downstairs, he was doing dishes in the kitchen.

"Hi beautiful." He smiled at me, and I blushed a little bit.
He still to this day has that affect on me, it's crazy.

"Hey, I'm going to do laundry, want me to throw some of your stuff in?" I asked, he nodded and I returned upstairs.

Jc had a habit of leaving loose change in his pockets, cash, straw rappers, even head phones, meaning I always had to check his pockets before throwing his clothes in the wash.

I checked his pockets from last night, pulling out money, a receipt, and an open condom rapper, with no condom on the inside.

I squinted my eyes at it, checking the packaging, reading everything.
I checked the receipt, it was for a water bottle, condoms, and gum.

So he had a new box, and one was empty, he had the empty rapper, and it wasn't used one me.

"Justin!" I yelled, footsteps coming upstairs.

"Yeah?" He asked, leaning on the door frame.

I cleared my throat.
"A box of condoms, a empty package, where'd it go?" I threw the balled up receipt at him and held the rapper in my hand.

"Charolette, its not from me." He said, entering the room.

"Oh? So it just magically appeared in your pocket?" I rolled my eyes, throwing the rapper across the room.
My eyes stung, my throat felt dry and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Rose I wouldn't do that to you, I promise, I'd never ever do that to you. I don't even find other girls sexually attractive, every time I see something I think of you."

"I'm so confused Jc, and I know I need to trust you but it's just hard."

"You are perfect to me, I would never treat you like that. We can even go get the rapper DNA tested, I've never touched it In my life." He swore.

I trust him.
"Baby I did drink, but I didn't cheat. I promise you."

He kissed me and I kissed back, and it was becoming heated.
I really do trust him, I have faith in him, he'd never purposely hurt me, I know for sure.

( this part of the story was written weeks later than this part, i had been busy but i turned caps off so everything is uncapitalized.)

the door bell rang, and there was continuous knocking.
"i'll go look." i told jc, and he nodded.

i walk down to the door and open it, it showing five teenage girls.
"oh my god! charolette!" one squealed.

"hi." i smiled, hiding my confusion.

"are kian and jc here?" another one asked, shaking a little bit in her voice, obviously nervous.

"how'd you guys find this house?" i asked nicely.

"we met jc at a party last night and he told us to come over and hang sometime." one said, she seemed rude, disrespectful, and ready to take my man.

"Jc!" i yelled, hearing him walk behind me.

"jc!" some of them squealed.

"hey guys, who are you?" he said, cluelessly.

"these are the girls you told to come over sometime from last night."

"yeah, he hooked up with my friend." the rude one said.

"excuse me?" i asked, poking one hip out.

"i did no-" jc tried, but i shushed him.

"tell me more." if demanded, her raising an eyebrow and me welcoming them inside.

Decreases & Change / Jc Caylen Where stories live. Discover now