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It's been almost week since I've send Jc, but we've been texting, don't know how much longer I want that to even go on for though. He hurt me.

"Eggs ?" Maddison questioned.

"No. I don't eat breakfast."

She chuckled. "I know, I'm just playin."

"Well stop I'm not into your stupid games." I rolled my eyes and huffed.

She gasped, and frowned back at me.
"What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem. Leave me alone." I demanded, feeling bad after I said it.

"It isn't that easy to get rid of me. Tell me what's wrong."

"You won't understand what I'm talking about, I really just want to be left alone. All I'm saying is when you left for a week, you missed a lot."

"Rose. You can explain to me, you obviously need someone to talk to, and if you'd quit being a pissy asshole towards me I'd love to talk to you, please."

"I went to Kian and Jc's the week you left, me and Jc snuck out and went to the lake together. He told me he has feelings for me, and I told him I had them for him, and no-" She stopped me.

"I knew you had feelings for Jc. You didn't even tell me."

"I didn't tell anyone. You guys already teased me about Jc enough."

"It's all a joke, don't take it so-" this time, I interrupted her.

"It doesn't matter that it's a joke, but Im sure Jc can tell I like him if you guys always wink at me when I'm talking to him. I don't do that when you're with Kian."

"That's different. Me and Kian are just friends."

"Yeah, could be a lie, I lied to you, didn't I? We are just friends, but we don't want to be, but we're too scared to become anything else."

"Why are you pissy about this whole thing anyways? Isn't him having feelings back a good thing?"

I showed her the picture in my Instagram explore page, and when you looked up the hashtag jccaylen it was all that popped up.

It was Jade and Jc holding hands, her look down laughing and him laughing straight forward, they were walking around town.

"What the hell! I thought he liked you!" She yelled.

"Yeah," I sighed. "Me too."

"Well, does Jade know you like him?"

"No, and if she likes him she has just as much right to be with him if she wants to anyways."

Right then there was a knock at the door, and I answered it.
Without hesitation before even looking I knew it was going to be someone asking us to buy something.

"I don't want any of your stupid shit you have to offer please le-, Jc!?"

"Can I come in?" He said in a sad undertone.





"No." I sarcastically smiled, and slammed the door in his face.

"Rose what the hell was that!?" Maddison was practically ripping the hair out of her head.

"I don't want to talk to him."

"What if he just wants to apologize?"

"Then I don't want to hear it." Thoughts ran through my head, and I bit my lip harder and harder attempting not to cry.

I ran up to my room and locked the door behind me, a couple minutes later a knock.

"What do you want Maddison!?" I yelled.

"It's not Maddison, it's Jc."

"Leave me the fuck alone I don't want to talk to you." Even though he didn't cheat on me, he told me one thing thinking we'd become something, telling me he didn't have feelings for this other girl when he clearly does, and I'm not into that.

"Rose, please I beg. Just atleast a couple minutes."

I sniffled, and went into the bathroom connected to my room and washed the mascara lines off my face.

I opened the door and smiled brightly in surprise, "oh my god Jc!" I yelled and latched onto him.

"You didn't have to do this for me!" I said and then remembered what he did, this present wasn't going to fix that, but of course I'm going to gladly accept it.

"I wanted to, and I'm sorry, and I don't like Jade, and I like you. I meant every word I told you the other day. My fans caught us. I wasn't sober.

"I don't want to get hurt." I said, taking Jc's present in my arms.

"I didn't mean to hurt you baby, but I hope you take good care of her."

"I definitely will." I smiled, talking softly into my arms.

"No no no! You are not keeping that!" Maddison screeched.

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