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"Bagels with cream cheese? No?" My best friend, Maddison asked.
She's my room mate, and she annoys me more than anything, but I love her.
It's hard for me to say that I love people, love means commitment, and honestly hardly anyone is worth my time to me anymore, I'm not stuck up, I just know fake people exist.

"Maddison," I rolled my eyes "you know I don't eat breakfast, but go ahead and eat some."

"Not eating breakfast isn't a healthy lifestyle Charolette."

"Since when do you call me by my full name?" I half laughed, changing the subject. I don't have a problem eating at all, before you assume I do. But when I'm called by my full name its pretty much a pet peeve, I hate it.

"Oh my god I'm sorry, rose." I smiled and she finished toasting her bagel, as soon as it came up it scared both of us.

We both began to laugh, and she began to smirk. "Oh no." I already knew she was up to something, and it's something I don't like.

She bit her lip. "So rose, I plan on having friends over tonight."

I smiled. "Then why'd you smirk at me like something was wrong?"

"I consider Jc a friend." She shrugged, acting as if she didn't think it was a big deal.

I sighed. "Yeah, me too."

"Please rose, I know you like him."

"You always say that," I rolled my eyes for the one hundredth time today. "But Jc is like another best friend, nothing more."

"Gotcha." She said easily, as if what I said didn't change her thoughts at all, making me sigh.

She rinsed the cream cheese off her knife and sat it in the sink, then looked at me. "I'm getting ready, they'll be here around two."

I nodded and went to my room to get ready also. I curled my blonde hair, I rarely straightened it. I don't like my face shape with straight hair. I then did some light make up, and got dressed in a white crop top that laced at the top and some light high waisted jeans with my white high top converse.
I put on my necklace with a heart on it that Jc had got for me when I was fourteen, and added some bracelets.
After brushing my teeth, I returned downstairs to Maddison.

Her brown hair was in a messy bun, she made her buns look perfect. She wore black high waisted shorts, with a black and white checkered crop top and her white and black adidas superstars.

She doesn't have to try in order to look pretty, none of my friends do.
The clock was right behind her, it read one forty seven.
A car pulled into the driveway, it was our friend Sarah.
She has red hair, and it's always straight, she wore black ripped jeans and a maroon tee with maroon converse. She's a little bit of a tom boy, and she's so perverted, the loud one out of the group.

We opened our door for her and she ran and hugged us. "Hey bitches! I missed you!" She greeted and we laughed.

"Where's Jackson?" We asked, her boyfriends usually always with her.

"Basketball practice."

"You didn't go?" I asked.

"Nah I didn't feel like playing today, he's gonna come over later though." She went straight to our fridge and grabbed a soda.

"So who else is coming?" She asked.

"Jc, Kian, Wes, Luke, Katherine and Jade." She answered, I secretly pouted in my head.
Why Luke? He's such a douche. But apparently, only I see that in him.

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