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"Rose wake the fuck up." Jc shook me, almost pushing me off the bed, then realizing if I fell he would too.

I sighed. This was his sixth yell at waking me. "I'm still fucking tired." I complained.

"It's almost ten thirty. You have to babysit at eleven."

My eyes opened real quick. "Uh shit." I mumbled, putting the hand that wasn't cuffed to Jc's to my head.

He chuckled, and I quickly shushed him out of annoyance. "Stop this isn't funny!" I got up and scattered to find my hairbrush.

"Like I said last night, do not drag me around please."

"Jc. I am stressed, do not make me more stressed, a stressed rose is not a pretty rose."

He sighed. "Can I use your hairbrush?" I handed it to him, and began applying mascara over the mascara from yesterday, there was no way I was showering cuffed to Jc, and I had no time anyways.

"Okay lets go." I pulled on the cuffs, trying to drag him once again. But he stood still, stubborn.

"Come on!" I whined.

"Excuse me, but I'd like to wear some pants and maybe you would too."

"Uh shit." I mumbled once again and Jc laughed.

"Quit it you dork."

"You know, dork isn't a compliment Charolette." He teased by calling me by my first name.

"Just put your pants on. I'm just gonna put on a strapless dress."

he nodded and looked away as I searched for one. It was a dark purple color, with black floral print, I put on my black sandals and the let Jc look again.

He was wearing ripped jeans and the same black shirt from last night.

"You look beautiful." he complimented, no, Jc does not like me, we are best friends. Although, maybe sometimes I wish that we weren't, and that we were more. I hate to admit it.

"Thank you Jc." I knew I was blushing, so I tilted my head down.

"Now lets go!" Jc shouted and drug me around like I always do.

"Oh really?" I asked, and he stopped and laughed in my face.

"It's payback."

I smirked, and jerked away real fast to make him fall, which backfired because I fell too.

"We have no time Rose! We have to hurry!"

We got outside and ran to the car.
We both stared at the wheel in confusion. "I'm driving." I stated and Jc shook his head.

"If one of us have to drive with one hand like this, I don't think it's safe for you to do it."

"Are you calling me a bad driver?"


"I am driving. Sit down. It's my car, my rules."

"Ew shut up you sound like my mom." I laughed and we drove over to Lucy's parents house.

"Please don't ask." I said as I walked in the door. They gave me the information I needed and left.

Decreases & Change / Jc Caylen Where stories live. Discover now