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"What's up guys its Kian! I finally decided to make a video on my main channel, as you can tell by the title we are doing a ask Kian and Jc and rose."

"So let's jump into it." Jc said, and they pulled out kians phone.

"First question. Kian and Jc, how long have you known rose?"

"I have known rose since preschool, Kian has known her since middle school." Jc answered.

And the questions kept flowing, Kian ended the video and I decided I was tired.

"I'm going to go to bed." I told Jc, and hugged him tightly and tiredly.

"Why?" He pouted.

I shrugged.
"I'm sleepy." I whined and Jc rolled his eyes.

"How in the hell do you think it's okay to hug Jc, but not me?" Kian joked, and I hugged him.

"Goodnight Kiki." I whispered and he smiled. "Goodnight Rosie."

After Jc started calling me Rosie, everyone did, and I was okay with it.
But Jc, not so much at first. He wanted his own little nickname for me.

I walked upstairs to the room I was staying in and put in a movie, they had like six thousand movies in their movie room.

I turned off the lights and snuggled into the blankets, shortly after there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, checking the lock screen on my phone. The time read 9:30.

Jc walked in, in some joggers and a tee.
"Hey." He said.

"Hello Jc, what do you need?" I chuckled and he shrugged.

"I'm bored, and you sleeping isn't helping." I rolled my eyes, turned the light on and sat back down onto the bed where Jc joined me.

"Well, what do you want to do?"

"You remember the lake we use to go to all the time in high school?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah I miss that place."

"Lets go swim."

"Jc it'll be ten by the time we get there, it's in the middle of the woods and we don't get phone service, we'll be in the dark alone."

"Who cares? It's fun and games, no big deal. Just us." I popped his bottom lip out, almost begging me.

"Fine, but I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"Oh, we have one of yours here from last time we all went swimming and you stayed the night."

I furrowed my eyebrows, not recalling that. "Where is it?" I asked.

"I think it's in Kians closet, I shoved it in there awhile ago without him knowing because I didn't want it in my room."

I laughed. "Wow okay, so instead of giving it back to me you shove it in Kians closet."

"Exactly." He smirked, getting up and going across the hall to Kians room, and coming back with one of my old bikinis. It was red, and pretty basic.

"Well leave so I can put it on." I demanded and shut the door behind him as he left.

I put on some jean shorts and a tank top over top with my flip flops and put my hair in a messy braid.

I walked downstairs and Jc was there, drinking soda and scrolling through his Instagram feed.

"Ready?" He questioned and I nodded.

Kian was in his bedroom, maybe thinking me and Jc were both asleep, but I wanted alone time with Jc, so I had to vibe to wake him.

We walked out to the car and Jc drove, I forgot how to get there it's been so long.

We drove far into the woods where the lake was, and took our our flashlights, although the moon shined right on the lake. Maybe we came here on the right night.

Jc jumped straight in. "Come on!" He yelled. I stood there with my hands folded over my chest. "Is it cold?"

"Don't be such a wuss."

I undressed from my clothes and jumped in, Jc swimming after me as soon as I got in.

We swam over to the shallow water and found a rock to sit on to just talk, like what we use to do. I missed that.

"Yeah, and then onetime Jade was telling me about how her brother threw all her clothes in their swimming pool and I was laughing my ass off." He finished.

"Aw I love Jade."

"Yeah, me too." He smiled.

"So, are you two like a thing?" I asked, trying to sound like I didn't care.

"No, I have my eyes set for someone else, which I kind of don't like."

"Oh." I slightly nodded.

"It really just sucks, because I don't want to fall in love with her when it could sacrifice our whole friendship, the only thing I really ever put effort into pretty much my whole life. I know I hurt her all the time and I just hate it, and I try to act like I don't have feelings but she just pisses me off so much because she makes me act different, like I even feel guilty if I know I saw something stupid, because I know this girl wouldn't approve."

All of this hurt me, because I was almost certain Jc was not talking about me. He use to always tell his friends he'd never date me, how he couldn't like me. How he didn't have anything for me at all, and I found out, and knowing he'd find out what I said, I said the same things to my friends about him, but I didn't mean it.

"Well, just spill your feelings to her I guess. You deserve a good girl, someone who treats you right Jc, you'll find her one day."

We stopped talking, and it was a comfortable silence. He looked at me, and I looked at him.

The moonlight put us on spotlight, and I've never had something this special before.

Jc began to smile at me, and leaning in closer. I smiled back, and I stayed still out of shock.

Is he going to kiss me?

Soon enough both his arms were wrapped around me, and his head was nuzzled into my neck.

"Thank you Rosie, you too."

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