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"What? What do you mean?" I said. My stomach dropped.

"Who are you?" He said, cracking a smile.

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck you Jc." He burst into laughter, then stopped.
"Ow." He mumbled.

"Aw." I said, playing with his hair.

He chuckled.
"I'm fine."

"You would have been if you didn't decided to swallow all of those pills."
He cleared his throat.

"I was in a bad state of mind."

"What about your fans? What would they have done?"

"I'm not sure." He said.
Nurses came in, with cups of ice.

"He can't drink water yet, it'll mess up his blood flow. He can only have ice."
I didn't see the difference between ice and water, ice eventually turns into water.

He nodded, and I just smiled nicely at the nurses. He'd be just fine.

Three weeks later

Jc's moved into our house, so now it's me, Kian and Jc.
Kians been talking to some girl named
Julia, and I really like her, me and her have become super close.

As of now, Julia basically lives here because she hates her parents. Kians eighteen and she just turned seventeen, she hates her parents.

"They aren't even my real parents, they're my adoptive ones." She rolled her eyes, as she walked in the door.

I smiled at Jc and he smiled back at me.
"I'm about to kick your ass."

"You wish." He smirked, I handed him a controller.

"I love Mario Kart!" Julia said, taking another controller.

"Looks like I have two asses to beat then." I smirked, they both shook their heads at me.

Lately I've only talked to Sarah, Jackson, Jc, Kian, and Julia.
Our group isn't really our ground anymore, it's changed, but I like it.

The race finished, and I won, Jc taking last.

Me and Julia high fives and Jc rolled his eyes, pulling me onto his lap and tickles me.

"Let me go!" I squeal, I hate being tickled.

He quit, but held me close and tight.
"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"Yes I do, Caylen."

"Are you talking to me, or future you?"

Julia squealed and Kian laughed.
"Oh come on, they aren't that cute, Julia."

She rolled her eyes at him.
"Yes they are."

"Yeah Kian, yeah we are." Jc said.

Kian rolled his eyes.
"I'm going to Walmart, who's coming?"

We all got up and ready to go, it's like family bonding time, a family trip to the grocery store.

We walk in the store and Jc tells me to get on his back, which I gladly did. Walking is overrated.

He walks over to the isle with the computers.
"Jc. Madison." I whispered, pointing to her. She didn't see us yet.

"Just ignore her. I need new headphones." He said.

I nodded, but it didn't work. She saw us.

"Charolette. Where have you been? I can't pay bills by myself!" I got down off Jc's back.

"Should have thought about that, I guess."

She looked at me confused.
"Yeah, I don't live there anymore, if you couldn't tell."

"Oh yeah, and where do you live then?"

"That's none of your business."

"Actually, it is. I've been here for you since preschool."

"Oh, maybe time changes things, like when a girl kisses my boyfriend and you defend the girl?"

"You know I didn't mean what I was saying."

"Then what made you say it?"

She didn't say anything, and I shook my head at her.
"Piss off." I said, walking away.

I walked over to Jc and we met back up with Kian and Julia, and left.

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