Twenty One

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"Jordan please." I begged once again, he acted as if he didn't even hear me, he didn't even flinch at my voice, as if I didn't say anything at all.

He was interrupted by knocking at the door, and I was more than thankful.
"Stay here." He demanded, leaving me and opening is front door.

"Hi baby!" A girl with black hair squealed.

"Hi baby girl! How are you?" He kissed her. Fucking gross, he's gross.
I rolled my eyes.

She walked in and he guided her around, it looked as if she was having a hard time walking in those heals.

"Oh, hey!" She smiled at me.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Oh she's the neighbors daughter, you can go now, visit again anytime." He winked at me while she wasn't looking.

I left his house and went back into the car, quickly leaving his driveway.
I return back to the house, I had no where else to go.

I walk in and Jc wasn't home.
"Where's Jc?" I asked Julia and Kian.

"To look for you." Julia said.

"How come he told me he was turning his phone off then?"

"He wanted to make you test it out and call him."

Wow, I almost got raped and it's because I was too damn stubborn to call him.

I rolled my eyes at myself and Julia laughed. "You good?"

"It's nothing." I shrugged.

"I'll call daddy." Kian said, grabbing his phone and going out to the porch.

"So tell me, does Lawley have a daddy Kink?" I smirk at Julia, purposely trying to make her uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't know, me and Lawley are innocent. How about you and Caylen, huh?"

"I'd rather not talk about me and Caylen right now."

She raised an eyebrow and turned back to the sink, looks like Kian was doing dishes.

She then turned back and looked at me.
"Wait a second." She squinted her eyes, looking closely at me.

"A hickey?" She said, pulling down the collar on my shirt.


"This clearly wasn't from Jc, it's fresh. Charolette how could you? Girl you know I love you but I have to tell Jc."

"No you don't understand!" I exclaimed, she squinted her eyes.

"I don't get it?" She said in a confused, Jc walking in, her finger still placed on my collar pulling it down.

"Uh." Jc said, I guess me and Julia looked like we were doing something at the moment.

"She's got a hickey, Jc, I'm sorry Charolette." She said, walking out to the porch with Kian.

He chuckled. "She's kidding, right?"

I bit my lip and looked away.
"No, she isn't but let me explain-"

"What?" He yelled, sounding hurt.

"Jc, listen to me." I said in a begging voice.

He sat down, ready to talk to me.
That's something I love about Jc, even after I give him a reason to think so badly about me, he's still here for me.

"I wanted alcohol, and I went to Jordan's. He always hooks me up, I just wanted a drink. He tried..."

Jc clenched his fists.
"Nobody does that to my girl."

"Jc please just leave him alone I'm not getting near him anymore."

"He did this to you. That's my job." Jc said, looking closely at it.

"Yes and yes, I agree." I smirked.

Jc smiled down at me, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to be so jealous. I'll go to therapy if you want." He said.

I smiled up at him.
"You don't need to do that, it just shows you care, I over reacted."

"You never get jealous over me, you don't care." He pouted.

I laughed. "I do, you remember the Jade situation? When I get jealous it's just worse."

He laughed too.
"God I love you."

"I love you too, Jc."

With that we decided to go upstairs, change into some pajamas and go to sleep. I was beyond exhausted.

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