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"Maddison. How can you not love such a sweet and innocent puppy?" I said whining at her.

"Because! We already have a dog."

"Correction, you have a dog. I now have a dog. Thank you Jc." I smile at him.

She rolls her eyes.
"What are you going to name her?"

"Her names Nessa." I said, putting her down so she could walk around my bedroom.

"Well, can you please forgive me. Just one more chance." Jc said, lifting my chin up with his finger, we made eye contact and he smiled.

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug.
"Are you coming to Kians party later?"

"I wasn't even invited."

"I'm inviting you, and you're going."

"Jc!" I whined. "I don't want to party tonight."

"Me either, but I'd rather party with you."

I half smiled and nodded.
"Fine I'll go to your dumb party." I joke and rolled my eyes sarcastically.

He smiled. "How come you're always partying now, jc?" I said, asking curiously.

He shrugged, and looked away with a frown like something hit him.
I grew up with Jc, but for the past year him and I have been pretty distant.
I don't know what he's been doing this year, and he doesn't know what I've been doing.

"Jc?" I turned him to face me, grabbing his hand and rubbing small circles on it.

I could see his jaw clench, he was biting down on his tongue and his eyes turned red.

He shook his head no at me, and I frowned to him. I hugged him tightly, realizing I almost made Jc cry.

He hugged back, and I apologized.
"It's okay Rose, I'll explain when we're just talking . When we have time."

"Okay Jc." I smiled up at him. "I'm going to go get ready."

"I'm already ready." He pointed out and I nodded, he followed upstairs behind me.

I put my hair into a messy bun while I did my make up.
"What's this shit?" Jc said pulling out concealer.

"Its concealer Jc, are you going to watch me?"

He nodded. I shrugged.
"Rose, you hype me for hours when I'm playing on the PlayStation so I get to hype you now." I laughed.

I got halfway through and Jc was playing with my make up brushes.
"Give me that one, I need it." I said, as he handed me my highlighter brush.

I pulled out my highlighter and Jc smiled brightly with excitement.
"Can I do it? This is my favorite part."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"Let me do the first swipes and you just go over them, okay?" I smiled.

"Damn babe, your highlight looks fucking amazing." Jc said after finished and I laughed and thanked him.

You see, on the outside all I said was thank you, on the inside I was freaking out. He called me babe, you're stupid if Jc caylen calls you babe and you don't freak out.

I got dressed in some ripped jeans, a white tee, my white vans and curled my hair.

We left the house and made our way to the party.
"ROSE!" Kian screamed really loud over the booming music, and a bunch of people looked at me.

There were fans here, a lot of them. They were all surrounding Kian and Wes at the moment.

All the girls looked at me and Jc, and ran to us.

"Can I get a picture!?" A girl around that looked around sixteen asked. I smiled brightly and nodded, took a picture, and the next three came.

After all of this me and Jc got tired of it. It got dark, and the music got even louder, to the point you couldn't hear someone speaking to you at all, no matter how close.

Jc pulled on my hand, guiding me upstairs.
He took me upstairs, and made a left down some hallway I've never been around. From there, there was a closet, and the closet had a window. He opened it and it went to the roof. He had pillows and blankets set up there and Christmas lights.

The music was much quieter, and I could hear him perfectly.
"I got tired of all of that." He said and I nodded.

"Me too, I love them but you know, sometimes it's just a little too much."

He nodded.
"But, it keeps them happy."

I nodded back.
"I'm surprised your fans like me."

"They don't just like you, half our comments on our videos with you consist of them begging you to make a channel, or for us to collab again."

"I'm glad."

"Any other girl gets hated on for hanging out with me."

I didn't say much, I didn't know what to say. I admired the view around me.

"It's beautiful up here."

"I know, I brought things up here in case you came tonight. I've been missing the times we snuck out together."

I smiled and played with my fingers.
"Me too."

"Anyways, when I got upset earlier there's just been a lot of shit happening this year and I don't know."

"Jc if you don't feel comfortable talking about it you don't have to." I looked at him.

"No no, it's fine. It's just my moms been really sick, and jaylyns got no where to go, and as much as I love everyone here, I don't want her influenced by them, and my dad has no money anymore, and I spend all mine paying bills for this house. I lost most my friends this year because I spent so much time in the hospital, I'm the reason Adrien and Nichole never hang out with us anymore, because we got into so many arguments and you guys stood up for me. All of this has caused me to start drinking and it's becoming a habit."

"Jc alcohol can get addicting, you shouldn't be like this." I said placing my hand on his, and him locking our fingers together.

"I've stopped a little bit, whenever I drink now I think of you and it doesn't stop. It makes me think how you wouldn't accept what I'm doing. That's why I invite you to all the parties now. You fix me."

"I fix you?"

He nodded, leaning in.
Before we knew it, we were kissing again, and we weren't hesitant.

He pulled me onto his lap, as we continued to kiss until we pulled away out of breath.

"I love you." He placed his hands on my hips.

Love means commitment.
Love means more than everyone thinks, love isn't a game.

My eyes darted from him, to my legs that were currently on each side of him.

"I can't love you."


"Because. What if you don't love me? What if you think you do but you don't, We're young Jc. We don't know what we're doing."

"I know I love you, but I'm not going to force you to say what you don't me-" I cut him off.

"I love you too, Jc."

Decreases & Change / Jc Caylen Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ