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I sat there and rethought everything.
It was kind of obvious that Jade liked Jc, but I never even realized that until now, now that I made her cry.

Now, maybe Jc realizes he likes her and not me, maybe he feels bad for asking me out and not her, what if he's regretting his decision.

What if I was right, and I'm just going to get my heart broken.

"Rose." Kian snapped, trying to awake me. "You zone out a lot." He said.

"It's hard not to when shit like this happens." I said.

I look over and see a group of three girls, all holding phones.
There was one in the back who seemed shy.

"Hi!" One squealed.

I smiled at them and waved, and Kian scooted over so they could sit.

"Can we get some pictures?" They asked and me and Kian both nodded and took pictures with them.

"Where's Jc?" One asked me, and I shrugged.

"Not sure, he had something to do." I lied and she nodded.

Eventually they all left and Kian sat there with me in silence.
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Ugh, Rosie no." He said and moved to my side of the table, hugging me and I cried onto his shoulder.

"Don't cry." He whined, rubbing my back.

"Madison hates me now, Jade hates me now, Jc's going to regret asking me out I jus-" Kian cut me off, pulling away from me.

"Jc has talked about you for fucking years and quite frankly I got tired of hearing his constant whining about you not liking him so one time I told him to shut the hell up and he didn't listen. He still talks about you."

"Has he ever talked about Jade?" I asked. Kian bit his lip.

"I'm not going to lie to you Charolette, he has talked about Jade. But he doesn't talk about her the way he talks about you, his eyes don't light up when he mentions her name. He doesn't seek to get nervous around Jade, he doesn't put effort into looking good around her. He's never called her unbelievably gorgeous."

"He's called me that?"

"More than once." He said.

I forced a smile.
"Hold on." Kian pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm finding a picture on Instagram. But don't tell Jc I told you, he'll kick my ass."

I nodded, and he showed a picture of me, Ethan Dolan, Grayson Dolan, Tayler, Grayson's girlfriend and Jenessa, Ethan's girlfriend at the time and Sarah and Jackson, we were all in bathing suits.

"He showed me this picture, and don't ever let him know I told you, but he said you're the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen, and this is the picture I showed on our smash or pass video, the picture we blurred out so it wouldn't piss our fans off, the one he said "fucking smash" to as fast as he could."

I bit my nail and laughed.
"Interesting." I said.

"Now quit crying. Don't be such a dumbass." Kian joked and I nodded.

"Kk Kian, I'll quit being such a dumbass just for you."

"I'm honored." He said, and paid for the bill.

We walked around the city along the sidewalk. I didn't know what Jc was doing, or where he was, but I trust him, and he trusts me. I'll see him later.

"Yeah I kind of like Madison but she's been a bitch lately." Kian said.

"Yeah I've noticed that too," I then thought about what he said. "WAIT! You like Madison!?" I said louder.

"Hush it!" He said.

"Sorry, but what the hell you never told me that!"

"You never told me you liked Jc!"


"Fuck yeah it's true!"

"Calm your titties Kian, god."

He laughed.
"You wanna go to Sarah and Jacksons? I'm bored."

I nodded. "Sure, I miss Sarah."

Sarah and Jacksons house wasn't too far of a walk. We decided to walk there, and when we knocked on the door Sarah answered.

"Hey whores, what's up?" She said, cracking her head through the door.

"We're bored. Let us in." Kian said.

She opened the door and Kian went right in, and I tried but she pushed me back out.

I gave her a confused look.
"What? Sarah?" I said in confusion, and she shut the door behind us both.

"I don't think you want in there."

"Why not?"

"Jc, Madison, and Jade are in there."

"What? What are they doing? What'd they say to you?"

"I'm not going to lie to you," of course, more news. "But basically Madison pep talked Jade and then I let Jc in, Jc went in and apologized to her, and they kissed, now Madison's pissed at them and they're all yelling."

"Fuck this."

She hugged me tightly, and I heard the door behind us open.

"Come on rose. We're leaving." I heard Kian say.

I nodded.
"Love you rose!" Sarah yelled.

I forced a smile.
"Love you Sarah."

"Nobody needs a douchebag!" She said.

Kian put his arm around me and we walked away.

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