Mission 4: The Diamond

Start from the beginning

She got to the middle where I could still see her through all the people. She was an amazing dancer, with her whole body moving perfectly to the beat of the song. Her beautiful (h/c) hair fell down her back as she ran her fingers through it.

I couldn't help it, something about this girl was different. She felt like the missing pice. Her eyes were dangerous, mysterious, and seriously hurt, but at the same time, playful and fun.

Everything about her, her voice, words, body, eyes, everything, screamed 'come close, but keep your distance'.

I loved that. I wanted that. This girl was what I was looking for.

My body moved all on its own onto the dance floor beside her. She noticed and started dancing with me.

We stared into each other's eyes and danced. After a few songs, she leaned closer to me so her lips were against my ear. "Let's go get another drink." Her voice was so intoxicating that I wanted more. I followed her like a lost puppy to the bar.

I ordered us two shots.

As soon as they came, we clinked our glasses together and tipped them back into our mouths.

"Wow!" She slammed the small glass onto the counter. I chuckled.

She got up from the bar and grabbed my hand. I tilted my head to the side in confusion, but she only smiled. She lead me to a private room, I assumed that it was meant for private parties. The light from the club leaked in from the cracks under the door, but other than that, it was dark.

The only thing in the rom was a table in the middle, but no chairs.

She let go of my hand and leaned onto the table. Out of nowhere, she grabbed the sides of my jacket and pulled me on top of her.

She smirked. "I had a great night with you, Laurance Zvahl, but it looks like it's going to end here," she whispered.

'How... how did she know my last name?'

Before I had time to process what she said, she had let go of my jacket and threw a punch at my jaw. That was not an ordinary punch.

I stumbled a bit before catching my balance. I touched my jaw to check if it was broken. After seeing that it wasn't, I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

She kneed me in the stomach then threw me up against the wall. She was going to throw another punch at my face, but I grabbed her fist. I twisted her arm to the point where her back was facing me, her arm glued to it.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked in the most demanding voice I could.

She didn't answer, she just continued to struggle. I tightened my grip on her arm, making her cry out.

She slammed her heel onto my left foot, making me lose my grip. She took the opportunity to wiggle out and punch me in the stomach. Whoever she was, she was strong and knew what she was doing.

Something shiny across the room caught both of our eyes. It was a knife stabbed into what looked to be a lemon.

Makes sense since lemons are always eaten after hard liquor to kill the taste a bit. We both ran for it, but I got there first and grabbed it.

She backed away.

I lunged at her, hoping to get her stomach, but she grabbed my hand with the knife in it. With one hand, I threw her onto the table.

She groaned in pain, but quickly got up.

We were both breathing heavily. Her eyes were blazing as she watched me.

I went at her again, and she wasn't able to get away, but I only managed to graze her arm. She slapped her right hand over her left arm where I cut her.

She caught me off guard and kicked the back of my knees, making me fall to the ground. She held the hand with the knife in it above my head and dug her nails into it. I dropped the knife and she caught it.

I stood up and whipped myself around, punching her in the stomach. I pushed her up on the wall, pinning her arm holding the knife in it tightly.

"WhAt ThE hElL iS gOiNg On HeRe?" Both of our heads snapped to the door where a wobbly, drunk Gene stood.

"Gene! The gun! Quick! Get me one in the back seat of my car!"

As drunk as he was, he closed the door to get my gun. I could've ended it, but I didn't want to. I was enjoying this quite a bit. Plus, this girl had something about her that made me feel like I was under a spell. Was it weird that I liked it?

Her kicking me 'down below' snapped me out of my thoughts. After about a minute I stood up straight and she took the opportunity to slice my stomach, cutting through my shirt.

I backed up fast enough so that she didn't cut me that deep, but it still hurt like hell because of the lemon.

She touched her ear and started speaking. Must be a really small earpiece.

"KC! Things aren't going that well."

I couldn't hear what the other person said, only high pitched squeaks.

I got up, but before I could catch her, she climbed onto the table and jumped through the one window in the room, shattering it.

I ran after her, jumping out the same window, but cutting myself in the process with the glass pieces.

A black car drove up and a pink-haired Meif'wa hopped out.

'A car chase after this girl, huh? How fun.'

Hey guys! Hope your enjoying the club ;) As you can see the next chapter is going to be a car chase so hold onto your seats till the next chapter! Selena~chan is out!

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