Morgana's Misplaced Memories

Start from the beginning

"Wha-what?" Merlin stuttered.

Arthur gave him a look that said 'are you daft?' and told Merlin again. "I'm trying to get the counsel to agree to letting magic back into the kingdom. What are your thoughts on that Merlin?"

Merlin shut his gaping mouth, and replied with, " that's great sire, how likely is it that the counsel will agree?" At the moment Merlin was too dazed to be excited.

"Well if magic is allowed in the kingdom, Morgana won't go bad, and we'll get a larger population... So we're now divided into two parts of the counsel. The ones who wish for magic to return, and those who stand by Uther's ways." Arthur sighed and continued, "the half that stands by Uther's ways would like to see one sorcerer that has good intentions besides druids. Then they agree that we will allow magic back into the kingdom."

Once again Merlin was shocked. Arthur wanted magic back in the kingdom. This was also an ideal time to tell Arthur about his magic...

"Um, Sire?"

"Yes Merlin?" Arthur asked in a bored tone.

"What would you say if I told you I had magic?" An anxious Merlin questioned.

This caused Arthur to chuckle. "The same thing I told you when you were protecting Gwen. You have a mental illness."

"No, what if I actually had magic, and you believed me?"

This question made Arthur show an annoyed and bored expression. "I guess I'd be a little hurt that you never told me. Other than that... Nothing really. Maybe I'd just want to be alone for a bit." Thinking over the question, he decided to ask, "why?"

There was an extremely long, awkward silence. It was filled with a bit of Merlin's shuffling, before he blurted out, "ihavemagici'mawarlocki'msorryinevertoldyou."

"I didn't understand a word of that Merlin."

So Merlin took a deep breath and repeated himself. "I have magic, I'm a warlock, I'm sorry I never told you."

"Very funny Merlin, but I should really get back to work."

This made Merlin groan. "How can I prove it to you?"

"Do magic I guess... But you don't have magic, I would've noticed." Arthur obliviously stated.

"And you won't arrest me if I do magic right?" A nodd came from Arthur. So he grabbed three apples from the table. He threw all three in the air and stopped them from falling. He then made them fly in circles as if he was juggling them without his arms. When Merlin looked back at the clot pole, he had an awestruck look plastered on his face. "Need more proof?"

Shaking his head no, he looked at Merlin with a mixture of fear and awe. "How long have you been practicing magic?"

"I was born with it." Merlin muttered.

"But that's not possible! You have to practice magic to become a sorcerer..."

"Well I'm not a sorcerer. I'm a warlock. There's a difference. Sorcerers practice magic to get better, while Warlocks are born with it and have used it since birth," Merlin explained.

Arthur attempted to understand what Merlin had just told him. In the meantime he asked, "why did you come to Camelot? It's literally the worst place you could have gone."

At this Merlin shrugged not totally sure himself. " My mom told me Gaius would help me, so I came here."

Nodding, Arthur remembered one more thing. "All those jokes about saving my life... We're you actually serious?"

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