Name That Face

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Two weeks later
*Emily's POV*

"It's ok Shay- Bee." I say, rolling out of bed, still groggy from sleep. I shuffle across the floor in my bare feet and lift my screaming daughter out of her bassinet.

I glance at the clock on my bedside table and groan loudly. I guess four thirty in the morning is the ideal time for breakfast in a newborn's mind. How the hell can Aria and Spencer do it times two?

I position Shay across my lap and begin to breastfeed her. The second the milk enters her mouth, she stops crying.

"Oh thank god." I say, sighing in relief. I turn on my television—my nightly routine—and settle back down under the duvet. My eyes are barely able to stay open while Shay sucks her milk contently. Once she finishes, I burp her and switch her to the other side.

Finally, by the time she finishes her feeding routine, it's quarter to six and the sun is up. Reluctantly, I lay Shay back in her bed and drag myself downstairs to make some coffee. This is usually how every morning goes except for the few unfortunate times when Shay decides to wake up at two or three in the morning.

I yawn while watching my coffee brew. Once it's done, I take my mug over to the breakfast nook and sip my coffee while listening to the birds sing their morning song. I decide to check my facebook to see what my friends are up to.

Hanna Marin-
Sweet baby girl went to her very first restaurant today with mommy and Grandma!

Aria Montgomery-My sweet angels are five months already! I can't believe how fast the time goes! I'm getting married in exactly ONE MONTH!!!

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Aria Montgomery-
My sweet angels are five months already! I can't believe how fast the time goes! I'm getting married in exactly ONE MONTH!!!

Aria Montgomery-My sweet angels are five months already! I can't believe how fast the time goes! I'm getting married in exactly ONE MONTH!!!

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Aria  Montgomery- I needed to do the laundry today and the twins wouldn't let me leave them, so we came up with a compromise!

Aria  Montgomery- I needed to do the laundry today and the twins wouldn't let me leave them, so we came up with a compromise!

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