Team Haria

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The next day
*Hanna's POV*

I texted Caleb today. I told him I needed to tell him something extremely important. He's in school at the moment, so he said he would come over later tonight. I skipped school today because I couldn't bare to face anyone, not even my friends. My mom stayed with me for most of the morning. She even set up a doctor's appointment for me too, just to make sure everything was okay.

Now school is over, and Spencer texted.

Hey Han! Is everything okay? You weren't in school today, How come?

I texted back,

Sorry, my mom had an emergency, so I stayed and helped her. Plus I stayed up late last night, so I have a splitting headache.

Okay, I lied. But in my defense, my mom did have a work emergency, and I also had a headache. Bling! My phone goes off.

Oh that's too bad :( Hope you feel better. Luv ya! <3

I start to cry again. What kind of a person am I? I got myself pregnant at seventeen, and I lied to my best friend about it. I curl up on the couch and let the tears roll off my face.

Bling, Bling, Bling! My phone rings. Caleb and my anniversary picture pops up on caller ID.

"Hello?" I ask quickly drying my eyes.

"Hanna, is everything okay?" Caleb's voice bellows from the receiver.

"Um, yeah." I say, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Hanna, you're my girlfriend. Even on the phone, I can tell when something's wrong! I'm on my way over right now! Hang in there babe, love you."

Click, the call ends. I toss my phone to the other side of the sofa, and resume my crying. Just then my mom walks in.

"Caleb will never forgive me for what I've done! He will walk away, and leave me to raise this baby all on my own! My poor little child will grow up without knowing it's daddy." I sob into her shoulder. She strokes my hair, and comforts me.

"Caleb's better then that!" My mom says reassuringly. "I mean look how much you've been through! Caleb and you were meant to be together. I hate to leave you Hanna, but I have to get to work. I'm working late tonight so I will see you in the morning." She kisses my forehead.

About five minutes after my mom left, A knock came from the back door. I know exactly who it is. Normally I'm filled with joy anytime I hear that knock, but today I'm dreading it.

I take a deep breath and open the door. Caleb stands there with a worried expression. I bite my lip to keep from crying again.

"Caleb, we need to talk." I say looking down at my toes. He follows me into the drawing room. I take a seat on the couch. He sits next to me. A lonesome tear slides down my cheek. I place a hand on my stomach, and look down at it. Caleb follows my eyes.

"Oh Hanna no, please don't tell me. Are you..?" he asks, his voice trailing off. I burst into tears, and reluctantly nod my head. He's silent for a while.
Finally I look up. His face is unreadable. He stares long and hard into the distance. I inch closer to him, and put my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay though, right? I mean we'll make good parents, even though we're still in High School, right? He pushes me away.

"No, Hanna!" He yells. "God, why the hell would you do this to me?" He screams with tears rolling down his cheeks. "You ruined me Hanna. You ruined me!" I sob hysterically.

"Caleb" I choke out "Caleb, please you have to list-" He cuts me off.

"I'm done Hanna! I'm done!" He storms out of the room.

"Caleb!" I call running after him. "What about our child? How can it live without knowing it's dad? How did YOU feel growing up without a dad?" I scream angrily. He stops in his tracks, and turns towards me sobbing heavily.

"It's not my child. It's yours. I can't handle being a father right now. Frankly it wasn't in my plan at all. I never had a father, how can I possibly know how to become a good one myself?"

"We can figure it out, Caleb!" I protest, wanting nothing more than to keep Caleb from leaving me.

"No we can't. I can't. Goodbye Hanna." Caleb slams the door in my face. I slide down the front door, and bury my face in my knees. I sob hysterically for what seems like forever, before I drift off to sleep.

Once I wake up, I decide to go to Ezra's apartment. Aria will understand what I'm going through more then anyone. I need to talk to her. The rain pours down the whole way there, matching the tears on my face. By now the sky is dark, and a gray cloud looms over the moon.

I turn into Ezra's unit, and park my car. I glance in the rear view mirror, and wipe any signs of tears off my face. Once I pull myself together as much as I can, I get out of the car. My hand shakes, as I knock on the door to Ezra's apartment. The door opens only seconds later. I'm relived to see it's Aria who answers.

"Hanna?" she asks surprised.

"Is Ezra home?" I ask. Aria shakes her head.

"No he's working late again tonight. What's going on?" She looks concerned which only makes me more upset.

"Can.. Can I... I come in?" I choke out the words.

"Of course." Aria rushes me inside and closes the door behind us.

"What's wrong?" Aria asks concerned. I place my hand on my stomach just above my belly button. I give a half smile, through my tears.

"I guess this makes two of us." I say biting my lip. Aria grins widely.

"Hanna!" she exclaims. "Oh Hanna I'm so happy for you!" I give her a slight smile. "Spencer, Emily, and Caleb are going to be thrilled! I just know it!" she says excitedly.

My face falls when she mentions Caleb's name. The tears I have been holding back start to flow.

"Oh Han, I didn't mean to upset you." Aria says sympatheticly.

"No, no it's okay." I say shaking my tears away.

Aria frowns "No, something's not okay. Han, what's wrong?" I look to the floor still crying.

"It's Caleb." I say in between sobs. "I told him about my pregnancy, and he walked out on me." Aria holds out her arms, and I rush into them.

"Hanna, I'm so sorry." Aria says hugging me tight. I hug her back, and cry into her for a while.

Once we pull apart, I look into Aria's eyes. They are glistening with tears. A few escape down her cheek, and she brushes them away.

"Hanna, I don't care what Caleb or anyone else thinks. I am here for you, and I will help you through all of this. We will walk this journey of becoming parents together. We're a team, team Haria." she says, giving me a sad smile.

"Team Haria forever." I reply hugging my best friend tightly.


I'm so sorry to all of you Haleb fans, I know how much you must hate me lol. What did you think of #TeamHaria? Let me know in the comments. Thank you so much for 5k reads! It means the world!

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