Forgive me

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One week later
*Hanna's POV*

I'm now officially two months into my pregnancy! It's been one month since I found out I was pregnant, and one month since Caleb walked out on me.

At first I hoped every day that he would come around, but now I've learned to accept that he isn't coming back. He left me for good. Caleb and I were just not meant to be together, and I have to accept that.

I'm actually adjusting really well without him. My mom has been a super big help to me, as have Aria, Spencer, and Emily. I'm so thankful to have them in my life. I don't need Caleb!

Today the girls and I met at Spencer's. Well everyone except Emily, because she has school. Spencer has been feeling under the weather lately due to morning sickness, so Aria and I decided to go over and check in with her.

We watched a bunch of chick flicks such as, pretty women, the notebook, dirty dancing, and my all time favorite, legally blonde! I also brought a whole bunch of fashion magazines, and baby magazines. Aria, Spencer, and I all made a list of baby names we liked. Here are my top five.



Spencer and Aria are both getting ultrasounds on the same day! It's so exciting! Spencer is getting her first ultrasound, and Aria is finally going to find out the gender of her twins!

I just had my first ultrasound a few days ago. I was extremely nervous, because it was my first time, and Caleb, my comfort companion, wasn't there.

I had asked my mom to go with me, but she had an important meeting for work, so I asked Aria, Spencer, and Emily to come instead. They agreed almost immediately! Honestly I don't know what I would do without my friends. They held my hand and stayed by my side the entire time they were doing the procedure.

Thankfully, I have a healthy happy baby. Tears of joy filled my eyes when seeing it for the first time. I was happier then I had been in a long time.

I'm sitting on the sofa right now, staring at the picture of my beautiful baby. Although you can barely make out the body features, I'm completely in love with how beautiful my baby is. For a moment a saddened frown spreads across my face.

If only Caleb were there to share that special moment with me. It was an experience I will never forget. But Caleb made his choice, and as much as I wish he would have stayed, he didn't. A bitter feeling washes over me, when I think about it. Even if Caleb comes back, I don't think I could ever forgive him.

It's currently about one in the afternoon. I decide that I'm feeling hungry, so I walk into the kitchen to look for something to eat. The fridge is filled with options.

Cartons of yogurt, slices of cheese, a jar of pickles, left over lasagna, some cold turkey from the deli, and some cottage cheese. I decide that none of those options sound good, so I move onto the pantry.

Pretzels, a box of crackers, some stale potato chips, a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, a half eaten container of trail mix, and four bags of upopped popcorn.

I'm desperately craving something greasy right now, so I decide on the popcorn. I scroll through my phone while waiting for the popcorn to finish in the microwave. I long for the greasy treat more and more as the seconds go by.

Finally, the timer on the microwave goes off. I open the door, and the buttery, greasy, aroma of popcorn immediately filters through my nose.

"Mmmm" I sigh picking up the white bag.

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