Pulled from my thoughts when I hear a light rap on my closed door, I sit upright and straighten myself out. No matter what I was going through, I couldn't bring it into my job. I couldn't allow it to take over my professional life. This is why I keep the two separate. Way to go, Normani. Clearing my throat and slipping on my thick black rimmed glasses to hide my tired, ruined eyes, I give a perky "Come in" to the unknown being behind the door, and flip through a stack of papers.

"Professor Hamilton." I know that voice. Why do I recognise that voice? Glancing up, I find a familiar short blonde standing in my doorway with her hand on her hip. Oh god, not now. Please, not now.

"Miss Brooke, may I help you?" My voice catching in my throat, I train my eyes back on the paper in front of me.

"Who exactly do you think you are?" Watching her move into my office and close the door behind her, I am thankful that she is not about to do this in the hallway.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow and remove my glasses, knowing that I don't need to hide behind them in front of Ally. How fucking dare she!

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She raises an eyebrow and I'm just about ready to blow when she opens her mouth again. "Did you think you could just use my best friend? What was your plan?"

"My plan?" I'm genuinely lost for words right now. That can only be a good thing because I don't think asking a student to 'fuck off' would be appropriate right now...or ever.

"Yes. I mean, surely it was the plan all along. You know, prey on Lauren's feelings for you, kiss her, take her back to your place and break her heart." She scoffed. "Did she turn you down in the bedroom and your pride got hurt? Poor you. She's not some slut who will sleep around."

"Get out," I reply, barely above a whisper. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes, and right now, I want to die. How dare she come in here and assume to know what is going on between me and Lauren.

"Truth too hard to hear, Professor?" Her addressing of me dripping with disdain, I can't help but wonder if I'm even worthy of that title anymore. As I watch her turn to leave, she glances over her shoulder and gives me a look of disgust. "She is far too good for you. Leave her alone. She doesn't need you around her. Oh, and I'm glad you look like shit."

I don't have the energy to respond to the woman leaving my office. Anyone else, I'd have had a stern word with them, but I can't. Ally knows too much and right now, I don't need a complaint going in against me because of a furious best friend. Yeah, I knew I looked terrible. Must try harder, right?

Checking my watch, I have ten minutes before my class begins. I don't need a group of students growing impatient, and I'm forever drilling it into them that time keeping is important, so right now, I have to push Ally's opinions to the back of my mind and head off to where I'm needed. Where I'm paid to be.

Reaching my classroom, I straighten myself out and glance down at my appearance. Thankfully, I dressed well today. I don't look like a total train wreck. Straightening the collar of my shirt, I grip the cool metal handle and turn. Greeted with a small number of students, I drop my head and move towards my desk. I know Lauren is there, I can smell her. I cannot look up and meet those eyes, no matter how much I want to. What has she told Ally? Did she put those thoughts into her head? Placing my bag down to the side of my desk, I remove the stack of papers and move up and down each row. Placing them face down, I double check I have placed one on each desk before moving back to the front. I can feel her eyes on me, but I shake the feeling away and continue with the job I've been employed to do.

Dinah Jane and Zendaya come barrelling into the room, I roll my eyes and check my watch. Just about made it. Leaning back onto the edge of my desk, I wait for them to take their seats and simply glare at them. I have to remember not to look further back. Lauren has taken it upon herself to change seats, and I'm thankful for that right now. Knowing that she is not sitting directly in front of me means I can breathe a little better.

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