A beautiful mess

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pure fluff nothing but fluff next oneshot will be a little sadder so here's this till then

" Spence we don't actually have to go riding " we're the words that made it sure in spencers head that she was getting her boyfriend on a horse today

" You're no fun sometimes " she said getting up off his bare chest . They had spent a very lazy sunday consisting of reading and listening to the rain which had finally stopped leaving the air crisp and sprinkled in a light mist

also perfect riding weather. 

"I promise if you hate it or fall or anything i'll never make you go again just today ?? " she begged pulling at his arms

he basically realized there was no way he was getting out of riding with her

Spencer pulled off her current attire which was just his blue shirt and slipped on her riding pants a blue top and some black boots she pulled at her frizzy hair and made a decent ponytail and then went back into the bed room.

She walked over to where toby was standing with him in some khaki pants and a smooth grey top and was currently struggling to get his boots on his feet.

She set his hands down and got his boots tied in 5 minutes he smirked at her before giving her a peck on her soft lips


they had been riding for a good 20 minutes now with him on pumpkin the best trained horse and her on bashful

She made riding look so practically flawless with guiding around every puddle and bump with her hair flowing in a ponytail in the light and her back facing him the whole time

Toby however was not so good his horse loved just running him in circles which caused him to lose the reigns and almost fall off 5 times

spencer basically laughed at her poor boyfriend practically getting dragged around by the horse she would always help him afterwards and so far it had gone relatively smoothly

They approached a large puddle and spencer began explaining the directions to go through it toby nodded but was once again lost in her perfect face and arms and her legs and her hair and in all her beauty

"You got it tobes?" she asked turning over her shoulder to look at him

"what? yeah i'm fine " he said knowing he hadn't been able to pay attention to one thing she said

She pulled bashful through it with no problem and then it was tobys turn he started moving with pumpkin but felt them stop and start going in circles in the puddle.

He tried to hold on and tighten his grip on the reigns but that just made pumpkin speed up even more causing him to lose his handling and fall off the horse

"Damn it " toby yelled as he hit the ground

"Oh my god " spencer yelled she immediately jumped down and comforted the now upset horse and then turned too see toby had landed in a complete area of mud

he felt a sharp course of pain go through his back but then it left with a certain numbness

then he heard her scream and his first instinct was to yell

"I'm fine spence " She sighed relieved but then burst out laughing

what's so funny ? he thought then looked down. Shit he thought his whole entire back hair and legs were coated in a thick layer of brown mud

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