Flashback on a perfect day

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Im trying to update more yay anyway this is Spencer getting a flashback on toby and Yvvones wedding day. Enjoy

Toby invited me here at first I was hesitant I'm going to watch the man I once loved and still love marry another girl .

I sat down wearing a cream dress and flats my hair brushed and curled. Aria sat  next to me

"are you ok being here ?

"Yeah I already said I'm happy to toby and yvvone " I mumbled . She knew I was lying but didn't say anything.

We sat down and the room filled up with people mostly Yvvones friends them kept shooting me dirty looks . I think Yvonne  told them some lies about my past. toby had invited me the girls caleb Lorenzo ezra and his dad.

We were preparing for the reception that was happening soon I fingered my hem of the dress then I heard it , an ear splitting crack of a glass filled with red wine . I glanced at it the blood red everywhere and it happened.

I looked around starved thirsty In a wreck and looked down at my chest a thick blood was on my shirt face body hair everything .

What did you make me do? I screamed

You killed him the voice replied

Killed who?!? I heard a ding and Walked towards my " mailbox " inside there was a letter with shaking hands I opend it inside was a picture of toby and in a blood red HIM was written .


Oh my god Spencer I shook her she was screaming clawing at her dress tears streaming down her face . I knew what was happening we all did she was getting a dollhouse flashback.

I shook her arms she was still shaking "Spencer Spencer your fine " I said trying to calm her down .

Emily walked over, "what's happening? " She asked "
"She's getting a dollhousee flashback "
"I'm getting toby" emily said

"No em he's marrying another girl today what are you doing" I screamed

"Remember when Spencer would call us shaking and toby would but his hands around her and calm her "


"Maybe he can do that now when she needs it the most "

" ok fine go get him I will stay with spence"

A few minutes later emily came back with a frantic looking toby in a suit .

" where is she?!?" He asked looking for us . "Here" I called he walked over and picked up her small frame rocking her back and fourth and whispering soothing words.


Spencer Spencer I felt two arms wrap around me and immediantly knew where I was toby smelled like fresh sheets and mint I felt my safe place to land hug me gently and whisper soothing words like he used to .

I finally opend my eyes and saw toby rocking me In a chair
"toby " I said it barely audible
"Yes " he mumbled smiling at me hugging my sides
"What about yvvome?" I asked
"Spencer I think I'm marrying the wrong girl " and with that he pulled me into his lap for a long sweet hug

Ok I told you this was sweet idk comment opiouns etc

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