718 :)

836 17 5

So we all know that Spoby has been getting treated so bad and it's actually the worst. and oml I hate marlene sm. anyways I haven't written much because we have gotten 3 scenes in 6 episodes which is downright saddening like wow the writers love us this much!!

 anyways I haven't written much because we have gotten 3 scenes in 6 episodes which is downright saddening like wow the writers love us this much!!

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Anyways we did get this which I assume is from 718 so here's a quick one shot on that :) Idk if I'll come back to wattpad but here's a nice story.

718 \/

Marco had been the worst. Why did she even try. Caleb, Marco all of it was a mess and so was she.

then there was toby, God she felt so bad around him his wife died just seconds after being married. maybe there once was a spark there or maybe it died

but she wanted something something solid something with coffee in the morning and spooning in the night. She picked up her phone.

*one incoming call from toby * she picked up nervous she hadn't heard his voice in weeks

so here she was

With him and he had grown a beard and he wore a flannel and white shirt. he had changed the greif had shaped him.

He looked worn out and tired but the second she came over he pulled her into a soft embrace and smiled.

they fell into conversation so easily as if no time had ever passed as if they were still 17 kissing on couches and in motels.

At one point the conversation shifted it went from rose wood gossip to personal affairs . She ranted to him about Marco and the mess he made and he told her story's of Yvvone.

Accepting it and moving on maybe that's all she needed. she couldn't put her thoughts into words but sitting there in her coat she wanted it she wanted one last shred of happiness.

The next day

they were kissing in his old run down cabin. she hadn't even realized how or why her lips were on his but at that moment it made sense. the struggle the pain the anguish all of it he he gave it to her he was her family her happily ever after.

So she slipped her hand into his soft brown ashy hair and smiled through there lips as his hand met her hair in a soft touch

suddenly a wave of adrenaline  rushed over her and she pinned his body underneath hers kissing his neck arms jaw he slid his top and pants off and finally she understood it she got the message.

Maybe this was all they needed . A reason to re connect - to be remade

Spoby one shots Where stories live. Discover now