Spoby reunited

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7x13 speculation / what I want to happen

Spencer walked in with a cup of coffee she came up to toby who was laying on her couch and placed the steaming mug in his hands.

He shifted then adjusted himself to take a sip of the brown liquid.

He imediantly pulled back and coughed. Spencer surged foward placing her hands on his arms .

"Is it ok did I burn you " she started a panicked list of questions running off her tounge.

"No " he said laughing "but you still make a strong cup spence" she looked at him and he smiled.

Toby tried to move his arm upwards but a sharp pain shot up it. He flinched

"Are you hurting" asked Spencer who was now trying to get him settled into her couch . "They gave me some medicine before they released me from the hospital"

he paused and looked up at her the way the soft moon light framed her hair her bangs hanging high above her coffee eyes , she never looked more beautiful

"It's not entirely working" he said finishing his sentance. Spencer looked him up and down the bags under his eyes and countless scars and bruises on his arms then the large stitched gash near his brown blond hair.

She reached foward and gently brushed her fingertips over his scars from the crash . Once she realized what she was doing she yanked her hand away and mutterd a sorry.

"Spence do you wanna talk about what happened before the crash my memory's pretty cloudy but I remember one thing."

"What" she asked leaning toward him

"Would it be ok if I kissed you " he replied did you say that?

"Yes " she said her voice wavering
"yes I did "

He gently snaked his good arm around her waist no words were spoken and he pressed his lips against hers .

They kissed with passion and love like they hadn't in years he moved his hand and gripped her small back she ran her hands through his hair .

When they finally pulled away she smiled at him "I was not expecting that" she said "me neither " he said before connecting her lips in another kiss

So I actually liked this and am really happy Keegan's on set filming with Troian this was originally gonna be a sex scene but I couldn't fit toby being hurt to work with a Spoby love scene so I just made it a kiss. Anyway comment rate etc ty

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