I bought the house pt1

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Set in 7x11-7x13

Toby and Spencer were released the same day .

Toby was in a wheelchair for the next 5 months and Spencer was in a full arm and chest cast, they both looked pretty pitiful.

There rooms how ever were only 2 doors away so they made visits talking he grieved over losing Yvvone and she held him just calming his occasionally hugging him .

She still cared so insanely much about him

Spencer had a secret she couldn't admit to him yet she was the one that bought his house the one he built for her .

They were leaving in one hour when she walked into his room and sat on the edge of his small bed .

"Hey spence" he said looking up at her

"Hey tobes"

"So our little hospital vacation ends today any plans for when you get home?" He asked looking into her brown eyes

"Actually my family situations a little more then ideal can I stay at the house for a few days ?"

She looked at him silently begging him to say yes

"Spence I would love you too but someone bought it" he had a sad smile on his face .

"Toby I am the one who bought it "

The smile and shock on his face registered and he looked surprised .

"Yeah that sounds great spence "

Ok there's part one im doing another book so you should read both its a 7b fanfic anyway here's what I want to happen in 7b like rate comment do it all

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