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this is pretty much just Spoby fluff so enjoy :)

Every ounce in her body prayed for a Christmas miracle. She wanted this. She really did . The timer rang beside her a popping .


She picked it up and walked back to the table

She pulled the test and read it aloud


A million thoughts were racing through her head. They had been trying for sometime but it got harder .

She wanted to be a mom , toby said she would do amazing but she was scared raising a living creature?

That would be hard.

Spencer pulled her phone and texted toby a short message

Another negative. But we'll keep trying baby. The doctor said I can have children we just need to keep going at it. Anyways Merry Christmas Christmas Eve. Love you tobes -spence

She began doing some simple house busy work while she waited for him to come home. It started light suble misty snow outside and she smiled taking in the view.

Spencer glanced out the window a few minutes later and couldn't believe what she saw it was full on blizzarding outside.

Toby was out he had gone to pick up a few last minute foods for hannas holiday party.

She texted him asking him where he was. No response .

She paced around the house nervous something bad had happended

Finally about 20 minutes later the door opened and  toby stepped in. His hair and clothes drenched from the snow and his face rouge.

"Baby did you walk home alone?" She asked pulling him inside

"Yeah the snow sure caught me" he laughed shaking his head as small water droplets showers the couch .

"Well why did you go through all that for just a few eggs?"

He smiled

"Spencer you will be such an amazing mom but I thought to help us practice taking care of something ."

He paused looking up to see her smiling

"Open that large box under the tree" he said

Spencer opened it and found a sleeping kitten inside.

"Toby!!!" She squeled attacking him and the kitten with kisses.

"Well Spencer there you go a merry Christmas Eve eve "

Okay this kinda went no where and was just fluff but who doesn't love fluff? Anyways rate review yall know the drill. Also Christmas is so soon I'm so ready for it!!! Wbu guys?

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