Anniversery in a dollhouse

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AN ok I like this it's really sad but I liked this prompt so I hope you enjoy this took place between 5x25 and 6x01

"Hey there's another girl down there" the officers called out Spencer pulled away for a second then looked at me her brown eyes searching my face she hugged me tight and sobbed into my shoulder . God I was terrifyied she had gotten skinneir in her already tiny frame and her face showed signs of terror and stress .
your safe " I coped into her ear she nodded and stayed glued to me.


I opend the door caleb and Ezra were standing there both looking tired and lost. "Come on in" I said  stepping aside. Hey toby is today .... 

Yeah I replied today was me and Spencer's anniversary it was usually one of my favorite days but I didn't know if she was dead Alive hurt I wanted to cry in a corner and never come out of it .

Me and Hannah's was a few days ago caleb sniffled i heard our doorbell go off I walked towards it and found 3 boxes. I didn't order anything I thought I opend it up and they were each labeled




I handed them each theirs we each opend them and gasped inside was a letter it said miss you everyday love spencer next to it their was a bloody mark . Did you guys ... Yes they replied we set the cards down the looked though As other gifts .

I pulled out a photo  album and flipped though it inside were pictures of Spencer in that place

the first was her in a room tears streaking her face, the second was her in a prom dress outside soaking wet shivering , the third was her in a room eyes shut crying, and the last the last was the worst she was in a room blood soaking her face hair shirt body everything she looked terrifyied .

"I WILL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOUR DOING TO HANNAH " Caleb screamed . What are yours I asked they showed me the albums all the girls broken small crying screaming . I picked up Spencer's picture and set it aside . Anything else ? I opend the final bag that contained Spencer's scrabble necklace . I held it in my palm a tear soaking the "S" .

"It's all okay baby" I kissed her head and wrapped her in my arms .

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