Chapter 18 Actions Are Louder than Words

Start from the beginning

Squeezing my eyes shut I tried to drown out the desperation in his tone. This is harder than I thought.

"Open your eyes and talk!" he shouted

The booming of his voice startled me as I slowly opened my eyes already seeing the stone like face staring me straight through.

"You don't understand." I repeated unsure of what else to say

"Explain it sweetheart, talk to us." Lucielle pleaded

As a reflex I shook my head when Jason placed both each of his large hands at the sides of my face as he lowered himself towards me.

"I swear on my parent's grave that you are not leaving this hospital with any one but me."

My eyes blurred with a set of tears at his promise. His dead parents- the ones I heard are the cause for Jason to run away? I heard he couldn't handle the pain so he left.

And he just swore to take me home.

"Please don't." I begged

His face softened just slightly but he quickly covered it up.

"Do you really love him that much?" he asked in a hoarse deep voice

Love Ben?! I fought the urge to laugh cruelly at his stupid assumption but I resisted. I loath Ben! If I could I'd have pressed charges against him and watch as he rots for years in that prison.

I didn't answer noticing now how I could use the lie to my advantage.

"Do you?" Jason asked in a gentler tone

As much as I wanted to say yes and get this interrogation over with I couldn't lie with Jason staring so intently at me. It was as if he could see what I was hiding.

"No." I finally admitted

Jason's shoulders relaxed at my response. He's relieved?

"Than why?"

"I want to return-he's family." I lied

The fire returned to his eyes as Jason leaned in with his face pinched with anger fiercer than before.

"Family doesn't do what the son of bitch has." Jason hissed

My heart literally jumped into my throat, is he referring to what I think he is? Lifting my hands up to my lap I concealed my panic inside.

"He has done nothing any other loving stepfather would do." I forced the words out

They tasted bitter as they left my lips. Loving?! Ha Ben is the opposite of a loving parent. From the corner of my eye I saw Lucielle shake her head furiously causing her blonde hair to hit her gentle face.

"He's loving?" Jason asked his voice laced with an edge

With my eyes locked with his I nodded hating myself for this. Jason bit his bottom lip as he searched my face for any sign of a lie.

"Do you consider sleeping in the same bed a parenting method?"

My bottom lip hung open as I stared with doe like eyes at Jason's manly face. I swallowed feeling my throat dry as sand paper.

"Jason." Jack said in a warning tone

But he ignored Jack's warning as a twitchy frown spread on his stubbled face.

"When did it start?" he asked

"I don't know what your talking about." I said in a steady voice

Forcing my fear down I sat up still intimidated by his knowing look. Pressing my shaky hands to his chest I pushed him gently at first but when he didn't move I used more force.

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