Knock knock knock

Harry looked through the peephole and opened the door with excitement, about to hug Hermione and Ginny then stopped.

"What did we steal to help my godfather escape in our third year?" Harry asked, Hermione rolled her eyes and said.

"A hippogriff to help Sirius." Hermione said and then Harry hugged all of them in one hug.

"Harry, who is it?" A voice called from inside.

"Hermione, Ginny, Cho and Seamus!" Harry called back to Fred. The group heard footsteps running towards them. Fred hugged Hermione and then they kissed.

"Oh Hermione I am so happy your alright!"

"Oh hey brother, nice to see you too." Ginny said and walked right past Fred.

They settled in the living room and began asking questions.

"So what happened?" Asked Hermione.

"Well, same as you... Malfoy's mom decided to help us..." Harry answered.

"I didn't think that she had that kind of side to her." Fred stated, sounding surprised, amused and grateful.

"Well, when she found out I didn't let her son die, she I'm save my life." And Harry explained how in the Forest when Voldemort thought he was dead and he wasn't, Draco's mom acted as though he was because he saved her son.

"Hey, have you talked to Kreacher?" Cho asked Fred and Harry.

"Can't find him anywhere..." Fred said, they looked and couldn't find him.

"The plan is to find him and get him to apparate with us because for some reason, if it's just a person trying to apparate it doesn't work... If Kreacher doesn't get there by tomorrow night, Draco's mom is going to sneak more of us out. She just wanted to get us to find Kreathcer and than you guys because we told her you would be worried." Harry said. Hermione and Fred were sitting close together, her head on his broad shoulders.

"Why don't you tell the Ministry?" Seamus asked.

"Because, apparently they are under the control of Malfoy. If they saw us they would have to capture us or else Malfoy will kill 'em." Fred said.

"We can't let them get those weapons... But, they can't bring Voldemort back with the resurrection stone..." Ginny said, she yawned and slumped against Harry.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Hermione said and jumped up, nearly knocking Fred over. She ran up stairs and Ginny sighed.

"I hate it when she does that!" They continued talking and about 5 minutes later Hermione came running down the stairs, a big dusty old book in her hands. She parked by the fire and plopped down on her stomach and opened the old book and started reading. Everyone looked at her, amused and annoyed.

"Hermione, would you-" Fred started but was interrupted by her putting up a finger to shush him. A couple minutes later and she sat up, closed the book and threw it with frustration.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"Well, I remember something... Something about a trio of resurrection stones, that they could make someone come back if you used them..."

"Oh yeah! Mum used to tell us a story about that! She said it was believed to be a legend though...." Fred said a little disappointed.

"Yes, believed to be a legend but... One time when I was in the restricted section of the library, I swore I saw something about it! Only if we could go back and see all the books! They must be trying to get Voldemort alive, and they needed the Elder Wand."

"So... What do we do?" Cho asked her, afraid of the answer.

"Well, we need everyone back here... Then we need to get to Hogwarts and ask McGonigall about the books. Next, we see if I am right and if I am... Well I think we will have to try and get the stones before they do." Hermione said, she hoped she was wrong... She didn't want another battle.

"Surely they have already looked for it?" Seamus asked Harry.

"Yes but, the Forest is big, we can only hope they haven't found it yet." Harry said. He rubbed his temples. "I think I'm going to go to bed guys, if you see Kreathcer, you know what to do." He walked up the stairs to a room, Ginny got up too.

"I think I'll join him." And she walked after him.

"Umm, I'll look for a room to sleep in." Cho said awkwardly, she had never been to this house, just like Seamus.

"Cho, third floor on the right there is a nice room. Seamus, fifth floor at the very end of the hall there is a pretty good room." Hermione said, they went up to the rooms and Hermione sighed and later down on her back in front of the fire. She was laying on a red rug that was actually really comfortable.

Fred laid down next to her and kiss her cheek. "I love you Mia, and I am really sorry if I worried you." She kissed him on the cheek now.

"You did but, I forgive you." Now she kissed him on the lips, he kissed her back, one hand traveling up her leg, the other in the small of her back. They were semi siting up now. She wrapped both of her hands around his neck. Next thing they knew, Fred was on top of her and Hermione's dirty shirt was off. Next, he took his shirt off and threw it next to the fire, Hermione stopped him.

"Fred... Let's go up to the bedroom." He smiled and picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist and they ran up to the nearest bedroom and shut the door.

A/N okay so I had 23 votes before I updated last chapter and then six hours later I had 37 votes! So thank you so much if you voted! I am mentally hugging you ;)

So what do you think the of the story? This chapter was shorter than others I'm pretty sure... Also, what do you think of my chapter lengths?

Okay, for me to update next chapter, I want at least 3 more votes :)

Winner of last trivia was... Potterhead171! Next question is: why is Ron Weasley afraid of spiders?

I started a new story thingy called Harry potter Facebook chats. Please note there are some in appropriate jokes and I didn't make all of them up...

Vote comment follow :)

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