"It's a simple yes or no question." Gatwick pushed.

With a sad look Merlin nodded.

"Alright, I'm going to test how strong your magic is. I just need one drop of your blood." Gatwick handed Merlin a knife, and Merlin made a thin line across his pinky. Then Gatwick proceeded to place a snail sized Crystal box against Merlin's blood.

At First nothing happened, but when Gatwick made Merlin do a spell. It broke.

"But- but- that's never happened before... Only- only the most- most powerful warlock is rumored to be able- able to do- to do that?" Gatwick stuttered, then looked up at Merlin. "Emrys?"

Merlin nodded with an embarrassed look, "just call me Merlin. Please don't tell the knights or anyone anyone who'd tell Arthur."

Gatwick agreed, and they went out to the knights.

"Little ol' Merlin passed the 'no magic' test too huh?" Elyan teasingly asked.

Gatwick was about to correct him, but Merlin interrupted him, "nope, I failed. I totally have magic. I'm also the most powerful Warlock to walk the earth." His sarcastic tone causing the knights to laugh.

The joke, and the reaction caused the poor tour guides head to hurt. It was so obvious. He'd just said the absolute truth. Only the most oblivious of people would not have realized that he literally was the most powerful warlock ever. Yet this boy made others laugh by telling the truth? What kind of strange relationship did they have? Maybe it was partly the fact that they were not used to magic? Gatwick shook himself out of his thoughts.

"Alright, let's get this tour going!" Attempting at his normal enthusiasm to hide his shock. He had just met the most powerful man on Earth. At the moment, said man was also a servant to the most oblivious man on earth.

By the end of the tour, the group had just been brought to their guest chambers, and Gatwick needed proof that he'd met him. "Uh, Merlin, could I speak with you outside? Privately?" He added the last part when Arthur had taken a step to go with Merlin as Merlin stepped out of the room cautiously.

"Yes?" He intentionally asked verbally instead of telepathicly.

Gatwick held a pen and paper. "Could you, um, sign this for me?"

Merlin quickly did so, and the man basically squealed. Gatwick started running.

"Wait! Gatwick!"

"OMG, He knows my name! The great Emrys KNOWS MY NAME!"

"Yes I do, now I have a question for you Gatwick." He enthusiastically nodded. "Are you going to tell anyone about me?"

Gatwick paused, "well I have to tell the Prince, but if you wish for me not to share to anyone else, then I won't."

Merlin nodded. "Thank you Gatwick, that will be appreciated."

Then the great Emrys turned back to his door and tripped. Gatwick didn't notice. Neither would he care if he had seen. Even the greatest warlock on earth can have flaws.

Let's just say Merlin didn't sleep much that night.


"Rise and shine!" Merlin opened this kingdom's navy curtains and made all the knights groan.

"It's time to go meet the king!" Merlin shouted causing more groans.

Somehow Merlin managed to have them all ready in time for the meeting. Although, he was nervous that this king would tell Arthur and the other knights. .

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