I stared at the clock waiting for lunch. Would Eren sit with me? Probably not. Ha. I stood up to throw away something. Eren looked over at me. I looked over at him. He furrowed his brow and turned to the person beside him and whispered. The person stared at me after he did.

I almost lashed at Eren. I wanted to rip out his hair. I wanted to slam his face on the ground. I wanted to scream. I wanted to--

"Mikasa?" My teacher asked. I was standing there shaking, "Mikasa, you okay?"

"Yea," I turned around and balled my fist, walking back to my desk.

10 minutes later the bell rang for lunch. I stood up, gathering my useless stuff. I walked out of the classroom, forgetting everything that was wrong in my life... or I was trying to.

"Yo Mikasa!" Sasha screamed across the hall, Armin was at her side.

I just stared at her as they came towards me, "Hey," Armin said.

I stared at them in confusion.

"We wanted to walk you to lunch, so you wouldn't skip it," Sasha smiled.

I rolled my eyes and walked with them, "Marco isn't here today, so it's just us," Armin quietly said.

"Mm," I pursed my lips and nodded my head.

We sat down at our table. I didn't bother to eat my food that Sasha had to go get for me. We sat there in awkward silence for about 5 minutes.

"Uh... so, how's class?" Armin spoke up.

I shrugged. I was staring at the lunch line. Something caught my eye. Eren was standing in line with Bertholdt and Annie... laughing.

She'd most definitely seen me staring at her. She gave me a glare then smiled at me, lifting her shoulder. I furrowed my brow and let out a deep breath.

Sasha said my name, so I focused my attention on her, "Why are you still with him?" She asked, staring at her plate.

"Huh?" I breathed.

"Eren," she looked at me.

Armin stayed silent.

"I'm.." I stared at them as they sat across from me.

Our table had went from at least 15 people to 7 to 4 and, now, 2. Yea, we did use to have 15 people, but friends come and go more like the seasons. Armin and Sasha were just the climate.

I never got to answer Sasha's question. I never got answer because I got distracted by the feeling that eyes were being placed on you.

I turned my head towards Eren's table. They were whispering, giggling, and staring at me. Eren started to pull out his phone. That's when I stood up.

Without thinking, I stormed over to his table. I was ready to pounce on him like nothing you've  ever seen before. My fist balled. My eyes teared up. That's it. That's what happened. My eyes teared up.

I stood before him. He stared up at me. He was so vulnerable, but my teared up eyes became drowning eyes. I couldn't let anger out... I was too overwhelmed with other emotions to do that.

A Fateful Dread (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now