Chapter 45 [Alex's Goal]

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John's POV

Laf popped the cotton candy plastic making me stop my sentence. Herc turned away from Laf pretending to use his phone. I turned to the right away from Laf. Alex hid under the table.

The whole foodcourt was starring at us.

Laf gave a nervous laugh covering his face and the plastic when two police came. My heart was pumping.

I could've said it.

But Laf stopped me.

The two police shrugged and the people went back to eating. We turned back to Laf with disappointing faces. Alex sat back down again.

"Jesus Christ, it sounded like a gun."

Laf gave a nervous chuckle, "Haha, sorry."

"People looked at us as if we're ter—" I was cutten off by Alex. Typical.

"That was far the most embarrassing thing that happend to all of us." Says Alex.

"Laf, don't do that. Two police fucking came to see where the noise was from." Herc says.

Laf buried his face on Herc's shoulder from embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I thought it won't make a loud noise."

"Pal, that plastic was huge size for five pieces of cotton candy." Alex said.

"It fucking echoed the whole food court like a gunshot." I say.

"It did sounded like a gun shot." Says Laf as he pulled away from Herc's shoulder.

The waiter went to our table putting our food on the table. It was sizzling hot. (Like me.)

I guess, I'll tell them some other time. Like tomorrow.


I lay down in my room. Alex's stuff was gone. He decided to do some work on that graduating early thing.

I looked at Lams who's sleeping on top of my stomach. I decided to talk to her.

"Hey..." I say. Gosh, this is silly. I always talk to my pets.

"My day could've been better, I guess." I say and added, "Y'know, I wish I could have the guts to tell Alex but I'm scared."

"I hate how many assumptions are in my mind. Endless conclusions... I wish it would stop." I say. "Without the assumptions or conclusions I would've probably say it..."

"I hate how I always think at times my assumptions are true."

"I hate how I'm always hiding things."

"I hate how much I know the fact When you love someone, you protect them from the pain, you don't become the cause of it." I said, "And I'm doing the opposite."

The pup looked up to me and tilted her head. "I'm sorry."

I started brushing her fur with my fingers. "I wish life was a lot easier."

"But what's the point of living when you get all the things you want when you want it?" I say. "Daggum, I fucking sound stupid for talking to myself and to think that I'm actually stupid makes it all worse."

The pup blinked at me and kept starring at me as if it was listening and understanding everything I say. "All my life I've been building walls and towers so high many people couldn't see what was behind; my fears and insecurities. Perhaps that's why I always looked for battles and challenges, even when there wasn't any. I looked stupid, I know. I just... wanted to feel...? I don't know. I'm not good with words. I wanted to be strong."

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