Chapter 5 [Disarray]

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John's POV

I closed the door and saw Maria wearing her clothes. She wore a tight tank top and booty shorts. She looked hot for a girl. Her hair was a mess. "You okay Jacky?" I nodded my head in response while grabbing my sweatshirt and wore it. I hugged Maria from behind and said, "You were amazing last night. James must be lucky to have you."

"Jacky, aren't I already yours?" She said turning to face me her face inches from mine. I was blushing. She was blushing. "Y-you're mine?" I choked out. She nodded smiling giving me a quick peck on my lips. (It felt meaningless.) I grinned at her happily. She's mine. Score for John Laurens. Another girl to play with.

"I love you." I smiled at her. She smiled back caressing my cheek and said: "I love you too John, I'll break up with James and I'll be with you from now on. Thanks for noticing my worth. What did I do to deserve you?"

Oh honey, you don't. I don't deserve you.

"I'm so lucky to have you Maria Lewis..." My voice trailed off when I heard a phone call. I kissed Maria's cheek and answered the phone. My phone nearly dropped to the floor when I heard who's voice it was. Dad.

Alex's POV

John didn't come out from his room. We were just teasing about him being gay. Honestly, he hides a lot of things from us like... he stops himself from doing stuff . I don't know. I tied Lafayette's hair. "There..."

"Thanks mon ami." He said grinning. Thank God he isn't that damn mad anymore. Herc come in holding a letter. Lafayette raised his eyebrow and smiled, "No way."

"Yes way." Replied Hercules smirking. I didn't know what's going on. I watched Lafayette snatch the letter from Hercules and started reading it. He looks so damn happy; Hercules looks a bit sad. I wonder why.

"What is it?" I asked. Lafayette turned to me and smiled, "I'll be at France for four days. My sister wanted me to be there."

"College starts when?" I asked, "it starts in deux weeks." Lafayette replied while he began packing his  things. Two weeks before college starts. I looked over Hercules and raised an eyebrow at him. He seems quiet when he heard about Lafayette going back to France for a few days. Well, I would awkward and quiet too being left with a new guy who probably he didn't trust yet and some guy who has a girlfriend over and his bestest friend leaving somewhere. Lafayette went into his room closing the door behind him, happily. Hercules sat beside me on the couch and he sighed, muttering to himself. "You okay?" I asked. He looked at me and shook his head, "Man, Look, John may seem he's an ass but he falls in and out of love sometimes. He doesn't cheat though. He doesn't like talking about LGBT since he gets left out since he's straight as fuck. He treats girls better, honestly. Lafayette—" he smiled a bit and looked at me,"—is my boyfriend if it isn't even obvious. Don't tell John, he's still playing match makers and 'trying' to get us together sadly he doesn't know that we already are. I'll obviously miss him but what worries me is Adrienne, Laf's ex but I trust him that he wouldn't flirt with her or anything. Adrienne is really nice though. France is like his second home, I guess. That's what he told me. Since he did told me that I'm home with him. He's really sweet, caring..." He trailed off and I smiled saying, "It's okay, I hope I ain't bothering you guys though." He shrugged, "of course you aren't. You're my roomate and you're a lonely dick so I thought you needed some friends."

"Lonely dick?" I asked. He laughed a bit and started talking again, "And then there's me the mom friend except I don't cook but I sew. I'm a tailor's apprentice with my family. There's really nothing much about me. What about you? Tell me about yourself and be totally honest. This is real talk." He nudged me.

I cleared my talk and spoke, "I'm 19 years old."

"That explains your height."

"Shut up, anyway, I had a bad past..." I trailed off waiting for his reaction and he said, "We can talk about that in another time if you're comfortable." I nodded and continued talking, "I got a free scholarship here from writing and I was really thankful. I have a brother James. He's a really cool older brother. I love writing. I was forced to go to the party yesterday since Aaron told me about this girl named, 'Theodosia' he wanted to hit on..."

He nodded, "You see, John loves singing, he used to ever since his sister died, he kept a lot of things from us but we support him. I love singing and rapping too. Lafayette can rap fast as hell."

I smiled and said, "I sing and rap from time to time but I write songs."

"We're going to get along huh?"

"We already are."

John's POV

"Father, Mom is sick?" I asked on the phone. He said, "Yes, son, I need money right away. Can you ship atleast 500 or 200 dollars for us? We need to bring her to the doctor immediately..."

"What about the search for the murderer who k-killed Martha...?" I chocked out. I haven't gotten over her death ever since. I can't even believe she was dead. For a momment it was silent and my dad answered, clearing his throat.

"They haven't found the person yet," His voice sounded off, "but can you send us the money tomorrow?"

"Alright, please take care of my siblings dad."

"Okay." He ended the call.

"Is everything okay? You've been starring at the ceiling for quite a while now." Maria said, concerned. "Sorry... My dad called and told me that stuff happend." I said hesitantly. She nodded, "If anything is wrong tell me okay? I need to go now. I heard Hercules and the other guy left now. Love you." She kissed my cheek and fixed her hair and left me in my room. Mom is sick. My sister died ever since grade eleven. My love life is a wreck. I'm destroying myself. That sounded too edgy for me. I sat down on my bed running my fingers through my curly hair. I don't get myself. I began rummaging through my stuff getting some bills that I was planing to use for two and a half months when first year of college starts. Looks like I'm not eating at all for two months. I sighed and put the money in a envelope under my pillow and tried to get some sleep.

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