Chapter 17 [Tortuga Marina]

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Alex's POV

It's been ten days since I've been receiving these notes. I didn't know what to do with them but it did made me smile. I would get stuff that would make me smile or blush. Whoever is sending this manages to make me blush.

Class ended now. George was off to hangout with some girl named Martha. I opened the locker and saw a new note. I read it.

Do you want to chat? Later night if you're not busy? I just want to apologize.
Add me @skype

My username: Tortuga11


I'll add him later after movie night. It was a tradition that me, John, Herc and Laf did every Friday. They insisted me on going since I'm usually busy. I wonder why Turtle the secret admirer needs to apologize.

John and me started talking but he seems uneasy about something. I wonder why. He wouldn't tell me, Laf or Hercules though. He should trust his friends more.

I dismissed that thought of John. Of course I still like him. Maybe love him? These feelings didn't fade away when seeing him. All three of us is concerned about John. He's not himself lately.

I walked to the dorms going to mine. I knocked on the door too lazy to get my own keys. The door opened, Hercules smiled a bit seeing me.

"Hey, how's your day fancy pants?" I asked going inside putting my bag on the sofa. Hercules closed the door before answering. "It's good. Movie night right?"

I nodded.

"I brought blankets and chips." Hercules said. I spoke. "I brought myself."

"Finally you're joining after one week of missing it!" Hercules smiled getting the blankets. I grabbed my laptop out of the bag and my charger.

"Please don't tell me you're going to do that thesis project Alex." Herc frowned at me. I laughed and shook my head. "Secret admirer wants to add me in skype."

"Hold up. That person will be skyping you?" Hercules blinked at me while getting the chips.

I shook my head again. "Nope. Just a chat."

"Let's get the juicy shit later with Laf and John then. We're all curious about this turtle person." Hercules said opening the door.

We left the dorm. We made our way to Laf and John's dorm. I knocked with my right hand, the left holding my laptop. John opened the door and greeted us with a smile his teeth showing. I felt like I could melt.

We went inside and saw Laf wearing an apron and his hair tied into a messy ponytail.

"Yo!" Laf said.

Hercules pulled his Laf by the waist. "Don't say 'Yo' it sounds terrible with your french accent." He pecked Laf's cheek.

"Get a room!" John shouted beside me. I turned to look at him. "Hey."

"Hey Alexander." He smirked. "For a man of words that's all you got to say?"

I blushed a bit and sat on the sofa facing the TV. John sat next to me, bringing out his phone. The back of his phone facing me. I stared at him a bit while opening my laptop. His hair is a bit messy. He wore a faded red shirt and sweatpants. I looked at his face. Freckles all over his face. I then noticed, he's starring at me too. The atmosphere of us starring comforts me. It's like being with him created a sunlight path. It's like a clear sky seeing as if it's empty but it's not. It's like talking with eyes and knowing what they're saying through looking. A small smile was pasted on my face now.

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