Chapter 10 [Martha And John]

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John's POV

Martha looked at me with worried eyes. She was my bestest friend honestly. She looked at me scared, furious. This doesn't seem to be good. I went over to her. She grabbed my hand along with her suitcase behind and sat me back down on the chair where Maria sat on a few moments ago.

"John..." She held my hands and hold it tightly before letting go. I was confused. "Yes Martha?" That name reminds me of two things, one: my sister, two: my best friend. (Other than Hercules and Lafayette and Alex?)

"I'm sorry." She said her voice cracking. What the hell is happening? "Martha explain."

"Remember two months ago when you took a vacation at the South?" She said looking down at her lap. I nodded my head.

"I'm...." She started but I didn't hear the last part. She some of her tears that came out. "I can t-trust you right?" She whimpered. I hold her hand and said, "Look at me when you're talking. Whatever this is, I'm sure we can fix whatever this is. I'm confused. Please tell me what's happening and why are you here at New York?"

"J-John..." She trailed off, scared.

"My parents disowned me..." She said holding my hand tight. Oh crap. This can't be good. "What else M-Martha?"

"They disowned me because I'm a w-whore." I shook my head at that. Martha? A whore? Never. She's too good. I never dated her. She's too good. Out of my league. I don't want to hurt her, afterall, she's the one who brought my mom to the hospital when dad accidentally hit her. "You're not a whore or a slut Martha."

"Jonathan, I'm p-pregnant—" My eyes widen.


"Remember when we had sexual intercourse at your place one night? We were too drunk, especially you, since you're at the point of saying the truth and you forgot your own sexuality. John, my parents kicked me out when I told them I was pregnant. What should I do?" She said, scared. My heart was racing. I'm scared too. If anyone heard this or know about this. I might get kicked out from college and college hasn't even start yet. "M-Martha?"

"Yes Jack?" She asked hopeful. I guess she was thinking I would marry her and explain to her parents. She's probably expecting that I would do everything for her afterall she have done everything for me. I sighed, "Martha, I love you as a friend but I can't but..."

An idea popped into my head. I was going to be a freaking dad! I can't believe I'm doing this to my first child. I can't be a parent right now. I'm still young. If Herc was here, he would know what to do. "M-Martha, can you give me some time about what we should do with the child?"

She sighed, "If you're assuming that you would marry me, no, I don't expect you to. I-I was thinking if you want to keep the child or not since I'm fine either way."


"John please, abortion or let the child live but we need to do something about it." She said. I thought about the pros and cons about this. I removed my hair tie, running my fingers through my hair frustratingly, grabbing it a abit, "This is frustrating and pressuring me the damn out." I laughed a bit.

"Martha, you decide to keep the child or not. If you're letting it alive I'll find a foster home as soon as I can and if not... Well, I can't problem it anymore but killing it reminds me of my father. Do you still remember the time when Mary was born? Dad almost wanted to kill her when she was inside mom's—"

"Shush, Laurens. If you won't choose if the child should live or not I'm keeping the child for the mean time, when he or she is at the age of three. Let's talk about what should we do about him or her. Let's be in touch okay? I have enough money to take care of myself. I'll call and text you when I need you. I swear." She said reassuring me. A shiver of fear run down my spine, who knows what will happen to the future? I was scared about me and Martha. What will happen? I stopped those negative assumptions of what will happen to the future and start focusing on what's happening now. I stood up and helped her up too. I kissed her cheek and she kissed mine too. I walked with her and called an Uber. We talked about the old times and how much fun we had together during those days when dad was still dad.

She waved at me before going inside the Uber with her suitcase. She's going to stay here for four years and it was our fault for being reckless at that night. (She won't even continue to go to college.) I sighed as I watched the Uber went away. I should drink my problems away.

College hasn't even started yet but drama did. I know what to do, drink my problems away. I called Hercules.

"Hello?" He greeted me from the other line.

"Hey Herc, let's go to the bar at eight pm later." I said walking to my dorm. There was silence for a moment and some talking in the background which I couldn't quite hear. "Sure, but let me bring Alex..."

"Okay." I ended the call and went inside the dorm. I closed the door behind and made my way to my room. I sighed and massage my temples. What's wrong with me? Is this karma for hurting other girls? Is it because I used Alex? Is this all happening because of the wrong doings I did? I rolled on my stomach burrying my face on the pillow and shout so no one could hear my cries of frustration, stress, sadness, shittyness and more.

After a few more minutes I sat up and tried to write a song about how I felt. (Most likely draw turtles on the side of the paper.)

Alex's POV

I agreed with Herc going to the bar with John. I would stay as a sober though. Getting drunk is bad. It reminded me of what happend earlier. I slap myself mentally for remembering that. I'm a dirty ugly whore—

"Alex, you alright?" Hercules asked, her motherly tone. I nodded my head and smiled a bit to reassure him. We started watching another movie while he sews and I just watch.

Another chapter. Yay?

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