Chapter 26 [Laffy Taffy]

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Oh look a New POV :D

Lafayette's POV

I breathed in and out. I volunteered taking care of the puppy named, Lams. Ain't that great? Yes.

I'm not really scared of puppies. I'm just scared that I would hurt it. Right now, Laurens is dog shopping. Hercules is doing a thesis project with Cato. Hercules probably didn't do anything to help and maybe Cato will do it all by himself again. Poor Cato. Alex? Well, I could say that he's busy inside his dorm doing work and wished he won't be disturb by some puppy. Sheesh. Puppies are too pure and adorable. I wonder how a sweet adorable creature would disturb him.

I glanced at the sleeping puppy on the couch. I pray to God she won't pee there. Merde.

I bit my lower lip while looking at rings online on the internet. Of course, I'm not yet proposing. I just wanyed to searched up shit. Just for future plans y'know? Kidding. I am proposing—a promise ring.

I'm not really good at this. Hercules is really good at picking stuff and which looks better and stuff. I guess I needed some help.

Oui. I'm gonna use the promise ring at the end of the first semester. I'm quite uneasy about it because what if I'm getting ahead of myself. I really lover Hercules though. I want me and him to marry someday.

I'm such a lame ass. I could do this. It's a promise ring afterall. I want to be with Hercules so bad. I sighed frustratingly while letting my hair go loose. I closed my eyes and think. I should call George! I opened my eyes with a small genuine smile on my face. He's proposing to Martha after he graduates anyway! I could get some help.

I immediately clicked my contacts and called him. One ring. Two rings—

"Laf, what's up?"

"Ay Papi! I need some help." I said hesitantly.

"With what? I'm over with my last class. Do you want to meet up?" He said from the other line.

"Oui, if I'm not much of a disturbance." I said a bit too quickly.

"Meet me up at—shoot, um, Hey princess. Oh, it's Laf. He said he needs some help. It depends on him honestly." He muted his phone for awhile before unmuting it, "Sorry Laf, my princess here asked if she could go with us. Is that okau with you?"

Another advice from a girl? This could be better. Plus, Martha is sweet as hell. "Of course she could go." I heard a small giggle from the other line.

"Cool! Meet us up at the ice cream parlor in twelve minutes. Bye sonshine." He ended the call.

I turned to the puppy. Do they allow dogs inside the ice cream place? Fuck. Well I need to leave her here then. I'm sure John will be back in like thirty minutes.

I grabbed a small bowl and cutted some chicken into small pieces. I put it on the floor near the counter where Lams could see it. I  texted our groupchat that I'll be meeting with George Washington at the ice cream parlor. I didn't want them to question where I'd go and I didn't want them to worry too much.

I grabbed jacket and I received a text from Hercules in a private chat.

Mom Amour 💕
Stay safe. Will John worry about his puppy? Btw, can you pl0x cook me dinner? 😀 love you ❤️ Msg me when you're at the ice cream place so that I know you're safe.

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