Chapter 42 [What Are They Hiding?]

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Alex's POV

"Exactly. I have a close friend of my from the government who could help you graduate early as heck. Maybe next year you get to graduate? That'd be so cool plus you can even get another course online. What'd you say?" James said grinning.

The waiter came back with our orders. I thought about it for awhile. Graduating early doesn't seem bad at all. "Okay." I say.

"Great, I could talk to him next week about this with you. You free on Thursday twelve am midnight?" James asked.

"H-honey, isn't that a little too late?" Mary says and then taking a sip from her drink.

"I suppose it is, but he's a bit busy maybe he wouldn't even go." James thought about it and started getting a spoonful of butter and spreading it on his pancake.

"If he isn't going, then why bother telling me to go at twelve am?" I raised a brow.

He grinned at me and winked.

Mary rolled her eyes while Martha giggled.

"What does that supposed to mean?" I asked getting some syrup for my pancakes.

"It means I have a surprise for you, bro." He drank his coffee. "Besides, we need some family time."

I smiled at him. "Are you serious?"

"Yes I am, lil' bro." He ruffles my hair while Mary laughed and Martha took a picture.

"Stop it James! You might get syrup on my hair." I frowned and he stopped playing with my hair.

"Sometimes I forget how sensitive and cute you are. Forget the last part, you suck." He snickered.

"You swallow—"

"Woah, woah, woah, I'm not the gay one here." James said and laughed.

"You two l-look adorable." Mary commented getting Martha's phone and showing it to me and James.

"The picture looks great because of me." James says. Narcissistic asshole.

"Oh yeah? The picture looks adorable because of me. Aren't I? Girls?" I turned to the two.

"I-I have to agree with Alex i-in this one." Mary says, smiling and giving back the phone to Martha.

Martha spoke, "Alex does look adorable especially the pout."

"You guys are mean. Why did I even choose hanging out with you two?" James pouted.

"B-because you love me, idiot." Mary says giving a quick peck on James' cheek who stopped pouting.

"Third wheeling again." Me and Martha says at the same time.

"Also, I want to tell you that things will be okay and—" James started.

I cutted him off, "What do you mean?"

"He hasn't tell you yet?" James cocked his head to the side, dropping his utensils on his plate.

"Who are you talking about? And tell me what?" I ask.

Martha and Mary shared worried glances and James shifted his gaze to the other people who are eating and then turned his attention to me. What is this? Are they hiding something from me? Whatever it is, what the hell is it?

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